New MM chatroom

This morning I was appointed the MODERATOR of this Chatzy room link above. By none other than the Exalted Grand Poobah, Sir Ransom of Overton with the Esteem Lecturing Knight giving me the BOOK of Law to enforce the rules and regulations of that site.
No profanity will be allowed, but pictures are fine if they meet the censorship rules..........which is my choice.

Kilowatt of Power
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]Chatzyroom for short of course. Or another definition would be my crappy spelling. Take your pick.
>What's a Chayroom?

chay room 
Computers . a branch of a computer network in which 11-15 year old girls can engage in real-time discussions with one another, discussing everything from barbies, hand-holding, Britney, pink thingys and Justin Timberlake.

If you were not such a left wing full of crap commie you would be allowed in the clubhouse.....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 03:17PM (MST)[p]Sweet Ziggy, Totally see ya there!

Here's a Barbie just for you.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 04:22PM (MST)[p]>>What's a Chayroom?
>chay room 
>Computers . a branch
> of a
>computer network in
> which 11-15 year
>old girls can
>engage in real-time
> discussions with
>one another, discussing everything
>from barbies, hand-holding, Britney, pink
>thingys and Justin Timberlake.

Well Zigga in two more years you will be welcome. ?????
LOL just razzin ya Zigg.
looks like another place for the little girls and boys to gossip. elementary school all over.
>Man did I feel guilty....not really
>but I did set up
>a new chatroom for all
>MM'ers. But all you regular
>Joe's without royal blood still
>can't come into the old
>war room.

Looks like I am still out Ransom.. Guess I will have to wait until there is a chat room for regular Jim's. Don't think I wanna change my name to Joe.. Oh well, guess I will just have to go through live wondering what all the Joe's are talking about.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-09 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]Jim

I set up a special password for you. Model_70_Guy/regularjoe.
Remember don't say anthing good about liberals in any of the chatrooms. That is the most serious rule violation.

Wow Ransom.. I feel "special" now.. And I would never udder anything good about liberals. You can count on me.. My lips are liberally sealed.

no four letter words that sound like bunt, fork, chip!
no videos of fisting and exploded orifices!
tell me....can we still be politically retarded!
why would I want to go there? sounds like ole Lady night every night at the moose lodge!

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