New Mexico- unit 29 deer?? September, any info?

September tags 4th choice hunt, Local Looking for extra info on this unit never been to this area. Any information/feedback will be greatly appreciated thank you!
Welcome aboard our New Friend! For great info in NM go to the New Mexico Forum! There’s a lot of great guys there that might help you out! Here’s the thing though if we don’t know you yet and a lot a people come on here after drawing a tag wanting advice then once they get it their gone. Its happen so many times on here that a lot of the guys won’t help you out and may even slam you. If you are allowed into the NM Family your in for life!

So after all that here’s my suggestion go over to NM Forum and introduce yourself gI’ve the guys a little info about yourself how you hunt past successes, past failures etc etc, then ask who you should contact at NMG&F such as GameWarden, biologist for info on that unit! That’s the best way to make friends on here not just wanting info on your unit!

have a great hunt


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