New Mexico Oryx/Ibex Applications


I am a non resident and will be applying for Oryx and Ibex in New Mexico this year. Can anyone give me some information on the best hunt areas and the best hunt season for each species.
You don't need to appyly for ibex its over the counter.

As for oryx I would apply for anything but rhoads canyon and stallion range. Those two areas suck!
My understanding is Ibex any-weapon is difficult to draw (around 1%)...not over-the-counter. Archery is a bit easier to draw but a lot harder to hunt.
Anything on the WhiteSands is good. I got mine on the Stallion Range----lots of oryx there. I would find which one has the most the tags & apply there. Hard part is getting the tag. Being a NR---I would forget the off range hunts. Do the once in a lifetime hunts. CB
If you want to devote several months of active hunting with nothing else on your agenda, you can buy over the counter licenses for both Oryx and Ibex in New Mexico. Success rates on those licenses are VERY low, especially on the Ibex tag that is for the entire state except for the Florida Mountains.

The once in a lifetime Oryx hunts are not a slam dunk 100% success type hunt that they have been in the past, but still have a pretty good success rate (higher than 50%).

I would say to apply for the Oryx hunt that fits in your schedule over worrying about a specific hunt date over another. Technically the first hunts should have a better opportunity at a trophy animal I guess, but the hunts run for 6 months or so, so if you can't fit the first hunt in on your schedule it isn't really critical.

Rhodes Canyon and the Stallion Range have the most oryx and either would probably be great for a first time non-resident.

The draw odds on the Oyrx once in a lifetime hunts runs around 5% depending on the date and unit and the draw odds for Ibex once in a lifetime runs at about .5%.

Plan on doing a lot of applying before going on the hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-10 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]First get the tag and then we will talk!!!!

Rhodes Canyon 40.5 Inch bull but it's #13 SCI
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
Hey flyingbrass... I drew, let's talk.

That is one awesome bull!

I drew the Stallion and will hunt February 12th & 13th in 2011.

That is exactly the kind of bull I will be looking and hoping for, but realize that I may have to settle for a bit less on a 2 day hunt.

Did you hunt on your own?

I believe your bull is in the "above average" category for sure.

Tell us about your hunt.


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