New Mexico Online App Process--??



The draft regulations have gone away and now there is a finalized set of regs on the NM web site. Apparently the G & F changed their minds and will allow you to apply for both desert and rockys online (I am sure that will help the odds...or not). When you start the application process there is a page that tells you how they will collect their $$, but it says in one of 2 ways. What is the deal, don't they know yet how they will conduct their drawing? My question is this: My credit limit on my card is 7500. Lets say I apply for my wife and I for desert and rockys in a unit where there is only one tag. (If all the stars were in perfect alignment and hell froze over it would be possible for one person to draw both). Would my app be rejected since in one of thier scenerios they may place the ammount of the tag on "reserve" and actually charge you if you draw? In the above scenerio 12K is over the card limit of 7500. Anyone out there know how the system works? Thanks, NDhunter.
Desert sheep odds are really going to suck now. I guess you have to figure worst case, and they preauthorize everything. Each one is an individual charge authorization, so it will not throw all out, just the ones that put you over the limit. You would not be much worse off than not applying with those thrown out ($6 each). But they may not do it that way and you may be in for all. Do you feel lucky? It sucks that they leave it so ambigious.

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