New Mexico antelope?



Thinking of trying to hunt antelope in New Mexico. Are there good areas that have decent draw odds? I have also heard landowner tags can be found cheap. Any ideas? Thanks!!

You may want to contact Wayne Billings. Below is a link to his website. My brother hunted his ranch this year and was very happy with the Wayne and the quality of antelope on the Ranch.
Please check out We also advertise on this site under the guides section for a direct link. Jim
Thanks Blank. For those that did not see it, I'd be happy to forward a DVD. I am hoping to secure a new lease in 2005 on a 85,000 deeded acre ranch near Roswell. If I get it, we will be managing for deer, antelope, and quail. Jim
I think thats the same ranch I scouted today with txrightwinger he has the lease now and hope to keep it. May not be the same ranch but I think it is. I will be hunting there 11.10.0 -11.14.04 . Saw some dandys Ill tell you what . He also has one more ranch leased down there that is not deer or antelope hunted until next year . That ranch has alot of 3 and 4 year old deer . I was shocked at the number of 4x4 bucks we saw at mid afternoon some beaded some moving .
If you have to pay more than txrightwinger for the 85,000 acre ranch you will either have to charge a buttload per hunt or way over harvest wich would be a pitty as that area cant take the pressure and the deer have the genes to produce some very wide long tined bucks as I saw today!
By the way TXrightwinger told me he has been banned from this site . Why havent I? I HAVE GIVEN dRUM MORE CRAP THE ANYBODY BECAUSE I HAVE THE BALLS TO CALL A SKANK A SKANK!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-04 AT 05:47AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-04 AT 05:45?AM (MST)

Udderlight-from what I understand, this ranch does not have a lease in place. I talked to the foreman last night and he said they only have one person hunting it this year. They will be patrolling hard and I'd hate to run into this foreman trespassing. Does txrightwinger have a business name?

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