New Mexico Antelope Muzzy Hunts


Very Active Member
I'm kinda running a pole here. I am thinking about taking some of my private ranch antelope guided hunts and making them muzzle loader only. No doubt the tougher hunt would allow some to grow and quality to get better. Are there folks out there that would consider a guided hunt if the ranch was muzzy only?
Yes! I have shot 4 antelope with a muzzleloader and in Nebraska where I usually hunt you aren't allowed to use scopes that magnify. I really find it challenging and feel a sense of accomplishment I don't always get with a rifle. It sounds like a great idea to me as long as the trophy quality is high. A this stage of my hunting life I'm more interested in having an opportunity to take a quality animal rather than just an animal. Good idea quality should go up. Best of luck.
Well....with that kind of results, I've got a 100% private ranch at Vaughn, NM with 4 hunts available. If anyone has the gumption, I will cut the price to reflect the increased difficulty with a muzzy. If anyone is interested, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and lets talk. Jim
Not to shame you guys into a muzzleloader hunt but here is a pretty nice New Mexico buck my son shot with a muzzleloader. He was 11 years old at the time. You can do it!

Look at Jim's page for the 2 goats my daughter and I took there last year. ML is doable on this ranch.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-07 AT 07:36PM (MST)[p]


These came off the ranch in Vaughn last year. There are bigger ones that gave us the slip. The guide we had was one nice guy and very patient with my daughter. If you decide on this hunt and are taking your child, ask for Jim if he is not booked.

Her shot was at 130 yards and mine was at 200 yards. Mine was closer at times but the shot opportunity was not there.

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