New Magazine


Long Time Member
I got to give myself some credit, I was the first to capitalize on a void in the market and filled the niche with another quality magazine. Roy and Eel, thanks for the exclusives. I couldn't pay as much as the Enquirer but I'll make it up to you somehow.

Sign me up! I can't wait to see if Eel really scouts or just sets up cameras over lettuce bait piles. I now look up to Eel since Roy was recently convicted of buying turtles and turning them loose. Great job F-dude!
Looking forward to the issue!

I never did get that "turtle dove" BS anyway......hoping for some insight!

Do I see a Pullitzer Prize in Feleno's future?
I was hoping for a article on their wintering grounds,Because I think they are getting over hunted By NR that are buying up all the tags.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I love the attention to detail. The time stamp on the trail cam pic....niiiiiiice work!!

T&A Inspector
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-10 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]OK I guess I owe you all an explanation and an apology. So to all the members of the MM community, I am truly sorry and deeply saddened by this recent unfolding of events, but really. it isn't as bad as it seems.

Here is a statement that through my attorneys, I have released to the public:

Due to my fame as a turtle hunter and the wealth I have acquired through the great sport of turtle hunting, I was once approached by some individual of a rather nefarious character from my own family and other members of my entourage. These individuals basically took advantage of my good nature and opened up a turtle kennel at a home I previously owned but did not occupy. The name of the kennel - Bad Turtlez - was actually registered to a business associate of mine and not to me. I however did come to learn of their operation and allowed it to continue for a time as I felt that it might actually provide the only way I would be able to actually rescue abused turtles. Once I found out about the operation, I only allowed the actual turtle fighting to continue to finance the rescue of many of these abused and tortured yet magnificent creatures and secure their release back into the wild. Beyond that, I cannot comment on any impending court case. I maintain that I am innocent of any criminal charges being levied against me and that I will be found as such when the full truth comes out through these proceedings. Turtles have never had a bigger advocate than me.

I am haunted by turtles...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>AT 01:27?PM (MST)

>OK I guess I owe you
>all an explanation and an
>apology. So to all the
>members of the MM community,
>I am truly sorry and
>deeply saddened by this recent
>unfolding of events, but really.
>it isn't as bad as
>it seems.
>Here is a statement that through
>my attorneys, I have released
>to the public:
>Due to my fame as a
>turtle hunter and the wealth
>I have acquired through the
>great sport of turtle hunting,
>I was once approached by
>some individual of a rather
>nefarious character from my own
>family and other members of
>my entourage. These individuals basically
>took advantage of my good
>nature and opened up a
>turtle kennel at a home
>I previously owned but did
>not occupy. The name of
>the kennel - Bad Turtlez
>- was actually registered to
>a business associate of mine
>and not to me. I
>however did come to learn
>of their operation and allowed
>it to continue for a
>time as I felt that
>it might actually provide the
>only way I would be
>able to actually rescue abused
>turtles. Once I found out
>about the operation, I only
>allowed the actual turtle fighting
>to continue to finance the
>rescue of many of these
>abused and tortured yet magnificent
>creatures and secure their release
>back into the wild. Beyond
>that, I cannot comment on
>any impending court case. I
>maintain that I am innocent
>of any criminal charges being
>levied against me and that
>I will be found as
>such when the full truth
>comes out through these proceedings.
>Turtles have never had a
>bigger advocate than me.
>I am haunted by turtles...
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

That's what Michael Vick said, and you see what that got him!
I think Roy hired The wrong Lawyer.LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Super Great.....Feleno Publishing needs a special section on the magazine rack.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Thanks boys

I appreciate your candor and openess on this touchy subject, I know its been tough on you and the family and it takes a lot of nads to come forward. Given your complete cooperation with law enforcement I can't see you getting more than 8-10 years if convicted and the Feds don't find out about the deaths of the 2 endangered Satin-Backed Mud Sliders taken out by Tortoise #3 in a previous fight. I'm not saying anything about them to the authorities, mums the word my friend.

Speaking of death, in any animal fighting industry, and yes its an industry, there is always death, and in turtle fighting the mortality rate is more than 30%. In an interesting side bar to Roy's story you'll read whats done with the carcasses after a fight. If you've ever wondered where a certain car polishing compound comes from you'll get the answer. But you got to buy the magazine.
No price listed Feleno? Does that mean it's complimentary in 49 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands? And the usual $29.95 if you live in Utah?
Another winner Feleno! It's really good that you tackle the tough issues surrounding turtles. I've cancelled my subscriptions to Mossback Turtles and Trophy Turtle Hunter. It seems all they do is glorify Roy. It gets old really quick.

I can't wait to read the "Letters To Editor" department next issue.

As a sneak preview, I'm working on an article comparing expanding bullets vs solids for the African Turtle Big 5. The results will surprise your readers.

Wishing you continued success!

Eel - all I have to say to you is this: They call me the "King of Turtles" for a reason - I say if the crown (and the glory) fits - WEAR IT!

Good luck with those "expanding bullets" on "Africa's Big 5" - what you checking out yard sales in Johannesburg now too?


Nice work Feleno!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-10 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]LMAO! I can just picture Roy spray painting #3 on his turtle.

I laugh ever time I think of Roy spending all the money he has made from turtle hunting (magazine deals and personal appearances) on lawyers! Pay back is sweet!


In the next issue I hope you will bite the bullet, even if it makes your sponsors upset, and address tag pimping for turtle hunts. It is a blight and is ruining our sport. They are turning it in to a rich man's pastime and it's not right.

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