New Magazine "Trail of the Sportsman"


Sportsman (Guest)

Well it's actually three magazines combined; it used to be Utah, Idaho, and Colorado hunter magazines, but they combined them into one, and it's call Trail of the Sportsman.

Have you seen it?
What do you think?
One of their goals is to show the "average hunter" not the $$$trophy shooter$$$. They also have a spot for female hunters and youth hunters.
check it out....


i got one in the c-store today, it's pretty good.

If they have the same crappy 3rd grade editing as utah hunter, count me out. The spelling and grammar were so horrible that I "corrected" one of their articles and sent it back to them! It doesn't help us as hunters to put out articles that look like a ten year old wrote them.
sounds like the new king's magazine. they had an article called "the perfect stock". thought i'd read it because i was looking for a new thumbhole. turned out they meant "stalk" and didn't know there were 2 different words. sent em an email about it and the guy wrote back and couldn't understand what the problem was. told him my problem was him makin' us all look iggernut. he basically told me to go to hell and i didn't care because lots o' folks do. then the next issue i saw had an article about an old pickup with a "wench" on the front bumper. i wondered why someone would want a women of low morals on their bumper. turned out he meant "winch", with which to yank one's self outta mudholes with. there just ain't a cure for stupidity. i don't even bother lookin' at that rag anymore.
RLH, if I had a choice, I would want a Wench to pull me out of a mudhole and clean me up real good......LOL... Allen Taylor......
i've been in some mudholes that were so bad i wouldn't want nothin' to do with no "wench" that could pull me out. hafta be a female about like one o' the janets. reno or napalitano. they could scare a truck outta the mud.
Janet reno is my woman so be nice or she won't skinny dip with me anymore.
RLH, With your Spelling and puncuation, I can't believe you're correcting anyones mag. :) That would be like "ME" correcting someones spelling, you just won't see it :)

I actualy bought one on the Trail of the Sportsman and it was Alright. But I buy hunting mag's to hear about the success of other hunters, read some stories and learn something.

If you guys were really offended with Spelling you'd log of these websites.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-04 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-04 AT 01:56?PM (MST)

moosie- I don't pay 6 bucks an issue to read these posts.
They do have the same problems as Utah hunter!!!!

If'n it dunt buther u then bye thems publikashun.

p.s. I checked out your site and thought it was pretty cool.

hey mousey, you makin' fun o' my spellin' and puncutaion? i do if for funs. i can see at least 6 mistakes in yours. you sure you gradjyated skool? and i ain't an editor for a magazine that oughta have a little command of english and it's proper use. in other words, i really don't care what you think. king's is stupid magazine for morons.
RHL, I am truely Making fun of your spelling and punctuation. that would be like a 400# person talking about weight loss. It has "0" effect. I figure if You're going to be putting down a publication for Spelling ya maybe aught to know a little bit about it yourself. And maybe you should pay attention to detail, I wrote above :

"That would be like "ME" correcting someones spelling, you just won't see it. "

remember, I'm making fun of it, not correcting it :) The reason I wrote that is I don't type well nor spell well. My last school year completed was 9th grade, so if you feel the need to bring that up in future discusions feel free. Therefore you can Catch mistakes I type and It doesn't offend me, I won't point out your's either.

All that being said, Last year I made over 80k and speak 3 languages. I was 74 days in the field hunting (Not counting my Scouting days) and went to Alaska for moose and Canada for bear. I own my own Buisness and Am the President of Deer Hunters of Idaho. My resume' is long and the Stuff I do at work would bring your simple mind to a Halt; I'm sure.

I'm also going to have a Magazine out starting in July to go with my Website called HuntTalk. When I get it on the Shelf, you can get a Fresh off the Press copy and tell me what ya don't like about it. But as I'm cashing the checks and making hunting Contacts, I'll be laughing all the way at your post....

I'm glad you don't care what I think, Cuz I think you're a Dumb A$$.


Andyman, thanx for the compliment on the site. And I understand the paying for the misspelled words. And I agree that these sites are fun for the Price you pay :) :)


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
so, i made 7 figures and speak 4 languages, if you count pig latin. and i'm good lookin' and bullet proof. and i smell purty too. so there. if you was just funnin' then so was i. sorry. ya dumb@$$.
Me Funnin' ...... Say it ain't so !!!!

All Chitin' aside, Let's Review what Happened above :

1.You made a Comment on the Magazine.

2. I said "RLH, With your Spelling and puncuation, I can't believe you're correcting anyones mag. That would be like "ME" correcting someones spelling, you just won't see it"

3. You came Back with telling me I suck at typing and "i really don't care what you think." comment.

If you want to go toe to toe on the Net we can Gladly do so. Hell, You wouldn't be the First I stomped. Remember Drunkineese isn't a Language. And Lately I've been doing to many constructive things to spend much time on the net, But I'll try :)

Remember, Fire gets Fire. Don't go Crying to people when you get it back. :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
so, you're thinkin' that you hurt my feelings? with words? you really think a lot o' yourself. king's sucks and you're a moron. oh wait, i was just jokin'. hope i didn't keep you from makin' 80k this year. or learnin' another language. sianara, that means adios in japanese. see ya in the funny papers.
I hope your First name Isn't Ryan :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
This post sure got off the subject quick. But I have seen this magazine a couple of times and just browsed through it. My friend gave me a copy of the latest issue and it had an article I really liked in it called Keep It Real I think.

It was about computer generated deer and photo enhancements that we are bombarded with. I think it's about time someone at least said something about it and brought the subject up.

I'm sure most won't agree with me on this but where do we draw the line. The mentality these days is "bigger the better" and everywhere I go with my kid there are calendars in front of us covered with deer and elk that my kid will most likely NEVER see in the wild and most of you won't either. And it's the same on the covers of these hunting videos.

It's cool to look at these pictures I agree, but I'm just not sure where you draw the line. To be honest with you, every picture I see posted on this site I wonder if it's authentic. I'll see a guy post a picture of a huge winter range muley and my first thought is, "Probably fake. Anybody with a computer could make that in 30 minutes." And that's sad that I have to think that.

Anyway, I have browsed a couple of issues but only purchased one. But I was impressed with that article in the latest issue.
I agree that some pictures are doctored on the Net/Mags. But alot of the Bucks are real that you see in Big Mag's. Alot of the People taking the Pictures just Flat know how to take pictures.

Would ya say this Elk is Doctored ?


HOW About this one ?


Which One looks Bigger ?!?! Can ya tell ? Are either or Both doctored ?

I think sportsman get wrapped up real quick in thinking that everybody that shoots a big animal or takes a picture of one is either (A) Hunting a ranch and Has Money (B) Poaching.

Heck, just go through some of recent topics here on Chuck Adams.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen or that people with Money can Buy big Critters. But alot of the Guys that Consistantly get Big Critters work hard at it and They are Truely a REAL picture of the Animal they took. Just a Flat out GOOD picture taken of the Animal.

I am agreeing with you that I like to read stories about general hunts that Average people get/shoot but It's Always Nice to See big stuff too. Because thatss what most of us would like to get. Thats why the Eastmans/trophyhunters and Hatch's MonsterMulies mag. sell so well.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
That is my point Moosie. I have NO IDEA if those photos you posted are doctored or not. Not like I could ever prove it either way. So really we just have to take your word for it. And what I'm trying to say is that is sad. Fact is when it comes to making money, people can't really be trusted.

Just seems like they should be required to reveal if the photo is authentic or has been doctored at all.

I love to look at those big deer as much as the next guy. But I guess my point is since the advent of these big deer calendars and you see these "photos" of 7 monster deer all standing together on a skyline, it's just sad that I can't look at any photo anymore (including these you posted) and not at least WONDER if they are real or fake.

There will always be that doubt in my mind and that's sad.
Hell sakes RLH, you do purty gud tiping with 'um welding gloves on and the stinger in yur mouf. These guys don't know who you are or they wouldn't pop off. My hat is off to you, 1st welder I've ever known that can turn on a computer much less type.

Good pics Moosie, they are nice elk but neither one would make Kings stuff. It's not about nice but so huge that they are unrealistic. Kind of like me dating Nicoll Kidman or Cass doing it beaver style with Janet, just isn't going to happen.

Both Bulls were in Eastmans. And Both Bulls are real. Just an FYI. The first one is a mere 312 while the 2nd one grossed 381 and some change.

Why should you question Everything ? That's kind of My point. Who cares ? I have a Website and Sites like this one People Spout off all the time about Shooting a Big Critter @ eleventy Million yards running uphill with a .280 and Have a Picture of the 669 Class buck. I think It makes for good Entertainment. Just like Enhanced Boobies :) :)

The only thing you should Question nowadays is If a Chick is Packing BEEF in her pants. HELL, I've seen some crossdressers that.... Well, thats another story *HEHE*

There is NO WAY to make pictures Authentic. Unless you stick with a actualy picture and Negative shoot but Who uses a 35 mil anymore ? Ask DeerKing who posts some Awsome Critters if he does. I know guys that can Pixilate a picture to the Grain so You'd never know. And with all the high tech Digi cams that's just what It is.

Do you think there isn't any Doctoring going on in the pictures that are in the "NORMAL MAG's" ? There is always Clean up and touching up. (Or usually) People want to see perfect pictures.

In closing (And off the Subject again) :

"These guys don't know who you are or they wouldn't pop off."

HUMMm I'd probably disagree :) It's just like me mouthing Off expecting someone to respect me afterwards. Although Kudos on the good welding though (that I didn't know :)) !!!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
This magazine is gold. It addresses the "average" guy who can send in his or her story and pictures. In the magazine are stories which cover women hunting and handicapped hunters along with a first time hunter. What fun for these people to write in and send their pictures in to share. The magazine also had experienced hunters with trophy animals and was a lot of fun to read.

The current issue with the story of Keepin' It Real was great! More power to this subject. I've seen rabbits on post cards for years that were phony and funny but they were sold as a joke to those who bought them with a disclaimer on the post card. Putting fake animals on calendars and magazines and even more appalling - videos and dvds - is a scam if it is not boldly stated that these are phonies!!

The Suvival Hunt was hysterically funny. The grandma article was great. I didn't see any spelling errors at all - just the stories written in the actual words of the writer.

Where is my old Magazine from these guys????

Hell I would ink up for the mag but I never got My Idaho Or Utah magazines so I guess these guys dont give a rats ass about the average guy like myself I guess it got lost in the mail but my check did not get lost did it?

(And god dam it Moosie I know I cant spell so dont hang me I just like writing in here becouse it makes me feel like I know some thing tell someone like you lets me know I do not no anything so dont give me your guff you puffer and I mean it in a kind way moosie)

Clynt L Citte
Roy Utah
>It was about computer generated deer
>and photo enhancements that we
>are bombarded with. I
>think it's about time someone
>at least said something about
>it and brought the subject

What an interesting topic for this magazine to bring up for all of us average hunters. I hate to break it to all you average hunters but this magazine does the same thing that "Kings" does. If any of you read the first copy of the Idaho Hunter Series you saw a big buck in velvet on the cover. That buck was altered. They used the same buck on a Billboard along the free-way in Utah to promote there Expo and mag. They stretched the antlers to be much wider than they actually are.

Don't be a fool the average hunter can be an above average computer geek. This magazine is a fraud if they are publishing such a story!!

RE: Where is my old Magazine from these guys????


"(And god dam it Moosie I know I cant spell so dont hang me I just like writing in here becouse it makes me feel like I know some thing tell someone like you lets me know I do not no anything so dont give me your guff you puffer and I mean it in a kind way moosie)"

I'll take that as a Compliment bud, THANX !!! Have a Nice day too !!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
RE: Where is my old Magazine from these guys????

PS I would shoot even the small one in the pictures one is a really good one and the other is a really great one nice pics

Clynt L Citte
Roy Ut

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