New Lightweight Champ!!


Long Time Member
I didn't watch the fights but was amazed that Frankie Edgar beat BJ Penn by unanimous decision. I guess one of the judges gave Edgar all 5 rounds?

Why did Silva's fight go to a decision? Maia's not that tough. Was Silva hanging back and playing with him for 5 rounds? IMO, Anderson can finish most guys anytime he wants.

wow, didnt rent it- wasnt that intersting. but I CANT BELIEVE FRANKIE EDGAR BEAT BJ?

silva is on his way down, i think he lost the drive. it'll take someone to beat him before he comes back to the old silva
I didn't see the fights either but after reading the fight blogs and talking to my brother who did watch them it looks like BJ tried to play it conservative and Edgar was just a bulldog.

Sylva tried to showboat more than fight and should have finished it in the 2nd or 3rd round but let Maia hang around. I think Maia won the last round though as Sylva was backing away and stalling.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Sylva tried to showboat more than

Can't wait for Vitor to put that guy to sleep. I missed this card as well. Sounded like a good fight between Penn and Edgar. Way to go Frankie!

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Edgar wasn't a bulldog! WTF! Did you notice his corner? They had a humming bird feeder hanging in the corner. He looked like a humming bird on speed. I didn't see half the hits edgar landed. We watched it on tivo and every time we would see blood magically appear from BJ's face we would back it up and play it in slow motion to see that the humming bird on speed had actually landed 12 to 15 punches and noone even saw them. I couldn't believe the speed that little dude had. BJ didn't even rate in the same category IMHO. I think BJ got raped! And If I woulda played that entire fight in slow moe i'll bet edgar did rape bj when he got done beating him just to rub it in. And he's so fast noone even saw it. ROFL! That was a good fight.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Well like I said I haven't seen the fights yet - just going by what the blogs said and one of them said Edgar was relentless like a bulldog - whatever that means. And I was really interested in seeing that fight, but after your description Stinky - I may not, not a big fan of man-rape, or rape at all for that matter.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Sounds like Stinkypomper is jealous and wishes he was bj with his face down on the floor after he took a beating! :)
I did watch the fights and did not think Edgar won. Close fight, yea he was faster than BJ but he didn't knock him down, didn't dominate him, nuthin. To be the champ you gotta beat the champ and he simply didn't beat him. BJ didn't look very motivated, maybe had a hurt knee, maybe not enough trash talk?

Anderson Silva was clowning Maia for the first 3 rounds, hitting him at will, broke his nose, bloodied him up pretty good, then just quit fighting. The crowd booed, chanted for Maia, and even chanted for GSP. Watch the interview with Dana White on, he's way emabarrassed and pissed at Silva.

Matt Hughes and Renzo had a boring fight as well, Hughes did chop Renzo down with leg kicks in the 3rd round and finally finished him with punches for a TKO, but definetely a boring fight.
No comments on the Mir fight? The fella from Ft Collins, Shane Carwin, looks to be the real deal. Hate to say it but I bet Brock Lesnar will take him out. Not a Lesnar fan, but how do you even try to handle a guy that big and that well conditioned?
I'd have to agree on the silva fight. That fight sucked. Its beyond me why silva was running from the fight the entire last two rounds. I think pay per viewers need a partial refund.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>No comments on the Mir fight?
>The fella from Ft Collins,
>Shane Carwin, looks to be
>the real deal. Hate to
>say it but I bet
>Brock Lesnar will take him
>out. Not a Lesnar fan,
>but how do you even
>try to handle a guy
>that big and that well

that was a different pay-per-view wasn't it?
Already talked about the Mir Massacre! That was last week or was it the one before that? Who knows....I was hammered!! HaHa


How can one judge give Edgar a 45-50 decision and somebody on here writes that they thought Penn won the fight? I don't get it.
I just read an article on and 10 different experts watched the fight, and scored it. It was pretty much split 50/50 on who won the fight. Everyone had it close, but apparently they are going to rematch very soon. BJ Penn said that it probably wouldn't be longer than 3 months. Maybe the August 1st card, or the one at the end of august.

Silva acted like a moron, and I'm seriously getting tired of him. He's not out to beat people anymore. I don't know what would make him not want to finish people off. He obviously can outstrike anyone right? go do it. Don't just do it for 2 or 3 rounds, then do nothing for the rest. It really gets old. I bet it pisses dana off to pay him as much as he gets for the fights even though he doesn't do anything. I just want to see someone knock him out so bad.

Congrats to Edgar, but I think it's going to be short lived. BJ will take the belt back next fight. I'll bet the next fight isn't even close.
BJ fought terrible, but I still don't think Frankie won, but he did better than I thought he would and he earned my respect. Silva needs to be in the WWE with the way he acts. I won't watch another fight with him on the card.
BJ lost IMO because, although striking was even, he was taken down easily several times....something that does not happen to him...

Dana was right on about Silva......go knock a guy out in two minutes THEN's like, once he gets ahead on the cards, he just avoids getting hit or taken down and calls it good....pathetic. Worst fight ever.

I hope Dana pulls through on his promise to make it up.

Dude, the Mir fight was last month, and it was awesome.

Afganistan? WTF? I know he wants to break into more markets but that is ridiculous! Next he'll want to go down to Mexico and fight in bull arenas!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]

has anyone heard any news on CHEAL SONNON? (sp?) last i heard he was going to fight anderson silva next. is it still on?
Yeah it's still on. Dana White was on Jim Rome and said he got the next shot. He also said that if Anderson runs, he's going to cut his ass. Not sure when the fight will be, but I'm guessing the end of August or something. I have no desire to watch that idiot fight again. Dana better make that fight free for everyone to watch.

The fights in Afghanistan are for the troops I think.
Like I said before I WILL NOT PAY TO WATCH SILVA FIGHT EVER AGAIN! (Just in case the UFC visits MM)

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