New hunting gear?


Long Time Member
Every year I try to add something new or improved to my ever growing pile of hunting gear. Last year I got a battery powered Sawsall for cutting off road kill antlers. (thanks for the tip BBop).

This year I added a battery powered Dremel tool for carving my name and doing art work on trees out in the forest.

If you're out there and you hear a buzzing noise, it's probably just me. Or it could be a rattlesnake, so be careful.

I love all this new technology!


What new equipment will you add this year?

I've bought a few things just in time for summer. New bolt cutters to remove the locks and chains from the "road closed" gates. Seems the forest service always does things on their schedule, and it turns out I'm not in their schedule. Along with that I got new tires for the ATV called 'tundra rippers'. Not sure where they got the name but it sounds promising. I also took the spark arrestor off the exhaust system. The new sound along with the potential fire causing potential has me excited. Let go carve some trees Eel!
LAST EDITED ON May-08-11 AT 07:42AM (MST)[p]LMAO, I bought a new cordless drill for attaching paper plates to trees.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
environmental sensitivity is key when I buy something


"If it moves shoot it again"


I got a retired gunsmith to sell me a wildcat, .475 caliber rifle with a fluted, 48" Douglas barrel. There is a 10" flash supressor, so the whole package is about 78" long.

It has a machined in mount system for my Swaro spotter, a remote detonator from the "spud gun" concept and is mounted on a Army surplus, M2 50 cal jeep mount.

The bullets are machined from 1/2 in. cobalt and berillium rods, that were originally used to support a cooling tank at 3 Mile Island....they are hot when you touch them and glow in the dark!
I have to store them in the toilet tank in the wifes bathroom.....her toothbrush now glows in the dark also(?)

The bullets are green, so they must be eco friendly.
The guy swears that if you hit an elk in the guts, the antlers will keep growing for another 3 months....I am somewhat skeptical about that claim however.

He GUARANTEES it will kill sleeping elk at 2000 the dark!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
An Ocean Going 13000 ton Barge with twin 36" cuttter head gold dredges. So I can attack the Bearing Sea. Two fuel barges
Should be able to run a million yards of gold bearing gravels an hour. The hunt for gold. should do ok at 14 bucks a yard.

I got myself a new turtle gun.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
You're Slackin Eel!

There's a new 36 Volt Cordless Sawzall that will snip 400" of Bone in 1.3!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I still enjoy fishing with dynamite, It alot better then sitting all day waiting on them to bite.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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