NEW Hunting DVD by MossBack


Founder Since 1999
I have the two newest DVD's from MossBack added to our Online Store. I haven't had a chance to view either DVD yet. I'm sure a few of you have. What do you think?

For those of you who have ordered the DVD's from me, they're shipping today. And, for any of you who want to see the DVD's, I'd sure appreciate your business.

PS - For those who hate MossBack and just want to complain, keep it to yourself on this one please. I just want to know if the DVD's are enjoyable.

That deer video appears to have a LOT of huge bucks on it.

Muley Freaks 2
Bull Busters 2


Brian Latturner
Havent watched bull busters but bought the muley freaks and it was epic! really enjoyed it alot of big bucks!! doyle and his crew did an awesome job! enjoyed watching the antelope island hunts all in all it was a great dvd with alot of big bucks!
I've seen bull busters and I didn't really like it. They have some nice animals on there for sure, I felt the majority of the DVD was them with their bulls without showing the shot/kill and the hunt. If I wanted to see just the post kill I'd look it up online. Other than that it was alright... :)
>I've seen bull busters and I
>didn't really like it. They
>have some nice animals on
>there for sure, I felt
>the majority of the DVD
>was them with their bulls
>without showing the shot/kill and
>the hunt. If I wanted
>to see just the post
>kill I'd look it up
>online. Other than that it
>was alright... :)

I would assume it is hard when your #1 objective it to guide your hunter to a successful hunt and #2 objective is try to get it on tape. It may also depend on the experience of the cameraman. Do any of their other DVD's show the shot/kill?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-12 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]Damn!! that was great customer service----

Delivery in 2 days!!!

You guys Rock.

The new muley freaks is awesome!!! The bull busters was crap. I think they were so focused on the Island tags that the other hunts lacked quality.

Seems like the elk videos have gone down hill a bit. Maybe it's just me.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-12 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]I started watching one today as I cooked up some Spicey Elk Burger Stroganoff....

Man---Doyle and crew just seem to always get their hunter spot on and the job done!

Had to put it on 'Pause' while I do a few other chores here---fold a load of laundry and go BBQ some Braughts to add to the Elk Stroganoff---ha

HHHmmmm---HHmmmmm that elk burger din-din is putting out a great aroma---house wide! ha

Looks like this big dump it snowstorm is off the GSL-shores as I flip Braughts....Man that looks Black and scary!

The earlier mossback videos were great, but the last 3 years of the elk video's IMO have gone down hill(after spyder was killed). It seems to me that when doyle started out he and kalan would do all the video work and the editing, they would know the stories of the hunts and films and would know how to put them together. Now that they arent and just have some one going through the films and just throwing them together and calling it good just doesnt make for a fun and exciting hunting video, compared to years passed. But I still look forward to watching their video's each year along with many others as well(Christensen Arms, ##### ect) If it wasnt for Will and Heather Farrars' elk hunts the last couple of years, mossback wouldnt be killing any big bulls on camera.
The ##### ect is blocked out for some reason it is supposed to say T I N E S U P ect
>The ##### ect is blocked out
>for some reason it is
>supposed to say T I
>N E S U P

Seriously it blocks #####?
>>The ##### ect is blocked out
>>for some reason it is
>>supposed to say T I
>>N E S U P
>Seriously it blocks #####?

You gotta be kidding me? How do I cancel my membership on here? Thats Chicken $hit!
I finished up BB-2 Elk and I have no complaints.

I kinda like the new format that Doyle and crew have put together.

I will strt the Muleys on Monday...


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