New Game Animal Resturant


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Yesterday was my wife and I anniversary so we decided to try a new restaurant called Trophy?s. Let me start out by saying the food was awesome!! I had Elk and Buffalo meat loaf with mashed potatoes and gravy with string beans and my wife had a buffalo burger that was just to die for with sweet potato fries. The place was very clean and the service was great too. But the main attraction is all the mounted animals which in itself is very impressive. 5 different bears right in the middle of the room from a huge black bear to a huge Polar bear and a grizzly. On each of the tables is a story of the owners and their son who had taken all the game that was mounted. Starting in the late 90?s to the present. Goes on to say he had been all over Alaska and Canada many times which is where most of the game came from. The son belongs to SCI and is in their record books. Okay so now the eyebrows raise up. Across the room a see a huge Elk. I won't even begin to guess the score but my neighbor has a 406 bull I see every day and you could put his antlers inside this beast easily. I have never seen this bull before, any guesses, thinking ranch bull? All animals killed with a 300 mag.

We took some cell phone pictures and they do not do the animals justice in size but you can get an idea. Regardless of how these animals were hunted and where the place has awesome food. I hope their menu grows with more game variety however I did see Antelope sausage and Duck on the menu besides the Elk and Buff. They also serve Steak.

BGbasbhat, thanks for posting the site, DUHHHH don't know why I didn't think of that! Pictures are much better than I have and it has all the info about the place and the animals hunted. If you happen to be out that way its worth going out of your way for a great dinner.

Cool. My next project is right down the road. The old corporate american express will be getting used there. Entertaining clients of course....
Wow the menu looks great and I believe I would have had the same thing you did (elk/buffalo meatloaf) and finished it off with some of that three berry cobbler.. Works for me..
I am in Mesa and will definitely be checking it out. There is nothing I like better than a good buffalo burger. How are the prices? If Im not mistaken its illegal to buy or sell wild game, so can we assume that the meat is all farm-raised?
I am also assuming that the Big Game meat is farm raised which surprises me as to why there isn't offer of Elk Steaks or roasts offered on the menu, same with the Buff and Antelope. Maybe they haven't figured out the best method to cook that yet. I sure hope they are able to get those kinds of things on the menu, I know I would be there to try it out. The food is slightly pricey but not any worse than most places and not as bad as Cabela?s or Bass Pro. I will be going back!

Hey Terry, I have been kind of putting that together the last year or so. There are a few here and most of them so far coincidently appear to be archers.

This is an interesting thread. I've been in the valley for 21 years. I'm up in Cave Creek. If there's ever an AZ get together this sounds like the place.
Just recently moved out of East valley to Payson. Sounds like a place for me and my wife to enjoy. Thanks for the heads up.
There are several of us out in the east valley. We tried to have a get-together a few years ago when Muskrat used to be on the site quit a bit. He was even going to donate of bunch of gifts and stuff and we could never get it all together. I am out close to the park and swap. It would be great to get everyone together. On the subject of the restaurant, my wife was just telling me about it the other day. Said there was mounts all over.

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