new fees for utah



It hasn't happened but was just wondering how many Utah hunters would be for or opposed to a predator managment fee like the one Nevada currently charges of $3.00? The whole idea for this proposition would be to help set up a statewide $20 bounty on the coyotes. With the letter Kaparowitz just issued, the state has issued almost $3 million for managment of the coyotes over the last five years. I am not the smartest but I can do simple math so here it is.
$3 mil divide by 5 = $600,000.00 per year
he claims they killed 1700 coyotes last year alone, so lets use that as our base $600,000.00 divide by 1700 = $352.94 per coyote
if the general public were to kill 1700 coyotes @ $20 per coyote it would cost the state $34,000.00 per year resulting in $170,000 over five years now take into consideration I personally do not belive they would kill this many per year, but if it did, and this is simple math it would be a way more cost effective way to help control the coyote population. I think they are using Obamamathmatics101.It would also be a way to pump more money back into the local economy ie gas stations sporting good stores ect... would you go out more often if you could pickup $20 towards your gas once in a while? so my question is would you be for or against a predator managment fee? If this was something to happen I think we need a seperate account setup for this it would need to be audited quarterly to keep from getting too many hands in the kidde if you know what i mean. Lets hear your feedback
Great job on catching that one.

I say we double it to $40/coyote. Now there is some incentive.

I also support a $3.00 surcharge on tags/licenses.

Why not just take the money they are paying now and divert it to paying the bounties? No need for a fee when there is already $600,000 allocated to it. Set aside $150,000 for a year and go from there. Redirect the other $450,000 into CO patrols on the winter ranges and remote units like the Henry's, Vernon, and Book Cliffs.

I support the bounty idea 1000%. Some of my friends used to hunt and kill a ton of Coyotes but with no bounty, they are not doing it any more. Not sure how many would get killed but I bet it would be more than currently get shot.
what i am saying as far as the new fee would be so that they have no excuse not to impliment it. there is no fee now so that means there is no money alloted for it. We now have just created a bank account that is for coyote bounty only and that is what the money is to be used for and only for that.
I think $40 is better at least expsenses could be covered easier and I guarantee at $40 a head 1700 would be a drop in the bucket compared to what the killing of coyotes by the general public would be.
well take the 20 for the bounty add the 20 you could get for selling the pelt at the uta fur sale and you have got your 40 not sayin 40 is not the number we should start out with but start out at 20 that way we know for sure the pool of $ wont run out and test it for three years, take the avg for the three years harvest and the $3 fee. so say 90000 deer tag applicants times $3 is 270000 the coyote harvest is 1500 over three years
that make the numbers $810000.00 in moneys recieved and 4500 coyotes harvested then you sit back look at it and yes there is plenty of room to up the bounty were not looking at this as a way to get rich just help out our deer herds and gettin a little somethin back
I believe on the radio show tonight that they said that $5 on each permit sold goes for preditor control. I could be wrong but I thought that was what they said.
I say raise the tag fee to $50 or even $75 for deer or any hunting lisence. Then raise the bounty to what ever is needed, but don't limit it to dogs, but to racoons, skunks, foxes and magpies and so on. Just an idea. I love to hunt pheasants too, but we all know that there are not that many birds. This could help deer and all other game animals.
If Utah is paying $350/coyote, I say we raise the bounty to $100/coyote.

We would all get out for that and Utah would still save a fortune.

Even cap the bounty at 2,000 coyotes and you would kill more coyotes and still cut costs by 67%.

see now you guys are supporting if you can make a small fortune of a coyote i am saying 20 or 30 bucks and five years down the road there will be extra money for a habitat project or whatever everyone on this site says the f&g are in it for the money not being rude but look in the mirrror
I like the idea of a bounty as I hunt coyotes on a regular basis but I'm not sure it will be effective unless it gets more people into trapping. Calling is one of the least effective forms of predator control if you ask me. Aerial gunning is probably the most effective and has the quickest results on reducing predator populations.

Workman Predator Calls Field Staff

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