New Coors Can


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-09 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]Golden, CO ? The Coors Brewing Company announced today that they will soon begin offering Coors Light in a new ?shotgunnable can? that will feature a second tab on its side to allow for easy shotgunning.

With the innovation, Coors is aiming to rid binge drinkers of the tedious burden of searching for the air pocket in a can of beer before it's punctured, as well as eliminate the possibility of a punctured beer spraying out all its beer before it can be shotgunned.

The can is expected to have a large impact on the canned beer market and is one of the first large-scale attempts to court binge drinkers, who spend hundreds of millions of dollars on cheap beer every year.

?While our current wide-mouth vented can does allow the beer leave the can more quickly and create a smooth, refreshing pour, it doesn't seem to satisfy the customer that prefers to have the beer shot down his throat.? said Coors Brewing Company CEO Peter Swinburn. ?That's why we've created this new can. When used in cooperation with the traditional tab located at the top of the can, the shotgunnable can will completely empty its contents in a matter of seconds.?

When asked by a reporter if the can was magic, Swinburn just chuckled and said, ?No, it's mostly just gravity and pressure change and I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me that this happened under my watch here at Coors.?

While Coors had been criticized in the past for cheap gimmicks like having a frost brewed liner and a wide-mouth vented can, reception for the shotgunnable can has been overwhelmingly positive and binge drinkers around the country have been raving at its practicality. Steve Tucker, who is national president of the Omicron Iota Upsilon fraternity noted, ?It's about time a beer company listened to the concerns of its customers and crafted a product specifically intended to resolve any complaints they may have.?

Tucker also preordered 1,500 cases of the Coors Light with shotgunnable cans so that he can distribute them amongst its chapters around the country. After placing the order, he seemed to be fighting back tears as he added, ?If there's canned beer in heaven, it's definitely served in shotgunnable cans.?
Well, it's about time!
You watch, others will follow the great idea.
We used to 'shotgun' all the time in college and in the military.
We'd have contests on who could do the fastest.
I think I got it down to 2 or 3 seconds. :)

Semper Fi.
Drinking is fun.


?While our current wide-mouth vented can does allow the beer leave the can more quickly and create a smooth, refreshing pour, it doesn't seem to satisfy the customer that prefers to have the beer shot down his throat.? said Coors Brewing Company CEO Peter Swinburn.

thats gotta be the best marketing i have ever heard.
Can't you just see that add converted to the next "Texas Style Chilli Cookoff".........

"especially blended for the customer that prefers to have his Chilli shot out his............"
Yes we get it 1911....Beer is the


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Easy REDDOG!! Keystone Light was my beer of choice towards the second half of high school. At $4.99 a twelver, 2 of us could split it and be really buzzed!

I haven't shotgunned a beer probably since high school. My 20 year is on the 15th of August. I may bring a cooler of Keystone and get my buddies to enjoy the old times and "gun" a few. Thanks for the memories!!

Of all the times we've shotgunned beer, I've never really seen a bad lip cup from it. I'm amazed at that.


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