New bow?


Long Time Member
I'm looking to buy a new bow this year. My old High Country Supreme is 25 years old. It's time for a new one. After some research; going to the bow shop and handling and shooting several different brands and models, I have settled on either the BowTech Carbon Knight or the Mathews Creed. The Carbon Knight is very light and feels great until I release. Drawback is smooth and it has a good feel, but seems to have a vibration when I release. This is without a stabilizer.

The Mathews is slightly heavier and has a top-heavy feel to it. Drawback is smooth, and the release is also very smooth. Accuracy was excellent. I also shot the Monster and really liked it as well.

Question: Will a stabilizer fix the vibration problem on the Bowtech? Also, the Mathews are $300-$350 more than the Bowtech. I'm not too concerned about cost. I don't want to be 2nd guessing my decision 6 months from now.

Did you Shoot a Hoyt?

Wondering how the New Hoyts compare to other new Bows?

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Had the exact same question when I moved
From my Mathews to the Elite GT 500.

I thought I'd be happier with the speed enough
To overcome the draw and shock shortcomings.

Needless to say I'm back shooting my
Old trusty LX.

Accuracy is what it's about.

I have a personal bias with Hoyt and will never
Own one but they do build a hell of a bow.

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The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
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TRISTATE 8/17/2012
The carbon knight, although it is a nice bow it does not have Bowtechs top of the line cams or flex cable guard on it. It is a good mid end bow but will not compare to the top of the line Bowtech, Hoyt, or Mathews bows.

I've been a Mathews guy for the past 10 years but that may change this fall when the new Hoyt line comes out. The past 2 years Hoyt has been putting out some good bows. I really like the Hoyt Faktor, that is a good shooting bow.
I say since it's been 25 years with your current setup you will get the most out of your money regardless of which bow at what price. They are all good choices. Shoot every bow you are interested in and buy the one you like best. I think any of the best brands will last a long time and keep you happy.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
I have shot Mathews since I started bow hunting, my current Mathews is 10 years old. I myself am getting new bow this year. I have shot the monster and really like it, but I'm considering going to Hoyt Faktor. Shoot them all an get the one that feels the most comfortable to u.

Happy Hunting
I have the Carbon Knight and it shoots a lot better with a stabilizer on it,Bowtech also came out with a newer version now.
I'm with Bill, shoot em all and shoot em set up at longer ranges so you know how it holds on target. I've shot a lot of bows and they all hold on target different, some float around like a flag blowing in the wind, must be a balance thing. Then buy the one that feels best and is rock steady.

Good Luck!
I'm kinda surprised more guys didn't come on here and try to pimp their brand x bows that they shoot. Personally I'd ask the bow shop for a loaner stab and try the Bowtech again. If it doesn't shoot as well as the Mathews than you have your decision made for you. Everyone shoots different as all bows feel differently to different guys. After shooting a bunch of bows I landed on a 2013 Elite Answer and haven't looked back, lots of guys HATE that bow, but I shoot it very well. The same can be said of the guy two drainages over in September shooting his Hoyt/Bowtech/Mathews/ brand x. The only thing that matters is how it shoots in YOUR hands. We are after all talking about life and death here...
+1 jb3006

I shoot a 2012 Elite Pulse and for me, it was the smoothest and fastest bow out of the group that I had compared it with.
I went into the shop and shot everything they had including the Hoyt Carbon Element, Bowtechs, Mathews and PSE. It all came down to what I felt was the most comfortable shooting Bow in my own hands. Everyone is different and today just about every bow on the market will get the job done. You can spend $500 bucks now and get a Bow that would've been top of the line 5-6 years ago.
Thanks for the responses. I might have to check out the Hoyts again. I will be back to shoot them all again one of these days.
not trying to stir the pot or add to your bow dilemma but I picked up a new prime alloy this winter and shot it side by side with the hoyt faktor (which I thought was the bow for me). Well, the day my shop, Wilde Arrow (great shop btw), had both in stock in lefty I went and shot both side by side for several hours. Like I said, I thought I was going to leave with the Faktor, but the alloy won the head on battle even though I went in biased toward the hoyt. Felt better in my hand. It has a really solid back wall that makes it seem I could hold the bow at full draw for an hour. Plus there is absolutely no cam lean. Easiest tuning bow I have owned. Bullet holes through paper in a matter of minutes followed by a quick modified french tuning, and the thing is shooting lights out.

Do yourself a favor and try out a prime ally.
If you haven't decided on one yet, you might look into the bows by G5. Depending on your budget, you could go with the Quest line in the mid range or go with the Prime bows on the high end. I have nothing bad to say about the other great brands discussed. I shoot a Prime and came from a Hoyt Alphamax. I agree with what's been said about not taking anyone's word for it and just getting some in your hands. One of them will have your name on it.
Good luck!

For the love of the game
Right now I am shooting a pse omen pro. While I am extremely accurate with it, and I love that I can shoot a 494 grain arrow at 300 fps, the hand shock, draw cycle etc. suck. I shot a few of the newer hoyts last night and I was amazed at how dead in the hand they were. Just something to keep in mind.
I Shoot a Hoyt Alpha Max and my Dad shoots a Mathews that is 2 years newer than mine, I think it is a monster. One of my pals bought a new Prime and outshoots both of us when we go to the 3D field course. I would definitely check it out. He went from shooting about as equal to us to shooting far better than we can at far distances over night. I would seriously scope out Prime.

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