New bighorn sheep hunting area in New Mexico


Founder Since 1999
Just got this email from New Mexico. New sheep hunting area open. Anyone know this area? Is it any good?


Department-landowner agreement opens new bighorn sheep hunting area
SANTA FE ? A new Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep area will open to hunting this year in northeastern New Mexico after successful negotiations between the Department of Game and Fish and two private landowners.

The single public ram license will be the first offered in the Dry Cimarron area near New Mexico?s borders with Colorado and Oklahoma.

?The growth of this bighorn sheep herd and this unique hunting opportunity would not be possible without the cooperation and land stewardship that these landowners have displayed,? Department Director Alexandra Sandoval said. ?We are very thankful for their conservation efforts.?

The agreement between the department and the Pacheco and Black Mesa ranch owners will allow a hunter who is successful in this year?s public drawing to hunt on either ranch or on public lands in Game Management Unit 58. The hunt period of Aug. 15, 2015, through Jan. 15, 2016, was lengthened because the bighorns move around a lot and may not be present in the unit at all times.

Hunters interested in applying for the Unit 58 bighorn sheep hunting license or other 2015-16 big-game licenses for deer, elk, oryx, pronghorn, ibex, Barbary sheep or javelina are reminded to apply before the deadline, 5 p.m. MDT March 18. Hunters who have already applied for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep licenses and would like to add the Unit 58 hunt to their application may do so by calling the department by 5 p.m. March 13 at (505) 476-8072 or (505) 476-8093.


Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
I count GW as the N.M. sheep expert on this site.
His word is money in the bank for me.

Thanks for chiming in amigo!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-15 AT 10:23PM (MST)[p]
haha Rick, I am not the end all be all by any means, but I have looked around a bit here and there ;)

Oak, I imagine that they'll run it on a rotation, after the culebra model on the Vermejo/RCCLA holdings. A public tag the first year, one awarded to each private owner the years following to sell any way they see fit (typically private auction)...then back to the beginning. And like the Culebras, the sheep in 58 spend a great deal of their time in your state.

edit**---and please don't get me started on the "why" thank you, I'll leave that can of worms and snakes on the shelf for someone else to cut open if they're hungry for something somewhat less than barely palatable to dig into :)
I have hunted this area for mule deer for 13 years. It is exceptionally difficult area to glass and find game. The area is also very difficult to hunt because the sheep tend to stay on the north side of the valley near Black Mesa. The state line cuts back and forth east to west all along the rim area so you would constantly be hunting sheep close to a state line. Sheep you spot one day may go up a cut into Colorado one day and back out a different cut on another property in New Mexico the next day. Plus you would have to be extremely aware of your position at all times.

Truthfully if you had an entire season to stay on the ranch and hunt sheep I would give you a 50/50 chance of killing a decent ram. If you only had a couple of weeks I would nock your chances down to less than %10.

There is absolutely no cell reception anywhere near there so expect that.
why would they not have a deal like Utah has with Nevada with the pilot mtn elk and sheep hunts? it would make it alot better hunt for both states assuming Colorado has a hunt

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Been that way for some time...figured you'd know that, with your 13 years of experience. It is also not so "extremely difficult" as you claim. Its actually pretty straightforward.

Just not that good.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-15 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-15 AT 01:05?PM (MST)


Why be a smartass? Did I disrespect you? I posted what the landowner told me earlier this year after taking pics of a ram while deer hunting. As for my comment difficulty hunting I have hunted mule deer damn near every where they can be hunted and the black mesa deer are the hardest I have found. I am sure you have no problem there but not everyone on these forums are as special as you.
Heh, there you go guy...wasn't being a smart ass (pretty ironic term to use from the likes of someone such as yourself), was simply correcting your erroneous, and apparently secondhand, information.
And as far as my being "special" or whatever that crap was, that is your own sense of inadequacy speaking; it has nothing to do with me, or anyone else on here for that matter...your problem, plain and simple.
Heh, the sweet irony of hypocrisy...

Say, were ya just waiting there on standby guy? Shoot, if I had any respect for you whatsoever I'd be flattered.

Well go on ahead and knock yourself out; I may check in to laugh at you a bit

Cheerio ;)
that's why guys don't share as much on here.
Some body always wants to tear you down.
Thanks for the info....
Haha, there ya go guy...typically weak attempt at deflection. No, certainly, I could never even hope to be as important as YOU imagine yourself to be on here, flapping about your mule deer flailings on a BIGHORN SHEEP thread, lmao

Say, what is a "decent ram" in there by your expert description? Of what age class should guys expect such a "decent ram" in there to be? What kind of ram numbers run in that country? When would be the best time of the long season for a tagholder to dedicate to the hunt to maximize their chances at these "decent rams"? How would this hunt compare to the other available rocky ram hunts NM offers to applicants? Eh? Or do you need to call your rancher to find out?

Looking forward to the inevitable bullsh!t spray, so let's hear it triguy :)
It is funny when a good thing like more sheep and a new hunt gets turned into bitching and a pissing contest. WTF?
It happens, Elmer, when a blithering Internet troll comes along and starts yapping about things he knows absolutely nothing about.

Unfortunate, yes, but you'll notice that a wake of "less than savory" follows this guy where ever he happens to stick his snout on here.
Hey greatwestern,

GO draw the tag. Go for it. It should be absolutely perfect for you. The rams are giant, probably the biggest anywhere in CO or NM. The landowners are real agreeable about trespass. I here you pay one of them $500 and they just let you jump from place to place to place and nobody even cares about that state line which pretty much chops everything in half. Nobody cares if you wonder into the state park either. Maybe you'll get to be the first guy to kill one in Oklahoma.

Post up some pics of the rams killed in the CO side.
Heh, there it is...when in doubt, spray harder; eh guy?

Post pics? Indeed, let's have a look at these photos you claim you took of these "giant decent rams" during your struggles on "North America's most extremely difficult mule deer hunt".

Or will it just be another slathering of some more of your imaginary nonsense?

Eh now guy? :)

Go find where I claimed to take pictures of "Giant decent rams" and I will leave these forums forever. You don't have to lie boy.

DO you know what quotation marks are actually for?

How many years have you hunted that valley? How many rams have you hunted there? How many deer have YOU killed there? How many rams have you seen in person there?

What's funny is you didn't have the stature to admit you were being a punk before yet you continue being one now.
Heh, did ya dig yourself in a little too deep there triguy? Your frothing and twitching when you've gotten in over your head is too predictable. Does your feeble and foolish "mind" comprehend what is known as "paraphrasing"? Go back through the drivel you've written and connect the dots.

Lies eh? Everything you've sprayed on here has been conjecture, sensationalized exaggeration, or flat out bullsh!t....lies indeed, nevermind your typically elementary attempts at deflection.

Hell, I couldn't care less if your blithering PUNK ass stays or goes...while you sit there with your thumb up your fat arse making up "information" and pecking out your invertabrate internet "tough guy" diatribes, I'll make recommendations based on my intimate knowledge of my state's sheep populations to those who ask, and continue to find and kill my share of truly GIANT New Mexico rams with my hunters.

Go ahead and carry on playing with yourself guy, toying with your idiocy has gotten a bit dull for me...though, please do feel welcome to get in touch and come on by the house next time you're up in this country; ya know, just to "be a man and own your behavior", I'd be more than happy to help you out with that :)
I bet you are tired of playing with me. After all you have intimate sheep knowledge. :D

You want me to come pay you a visit???? What you want to throw snowballs out of your treehouse?

You're a twerp great western and a gutless liar at that.
>I bet you are tired of
>playing with me. After
>all you have intimate sheep
>knowledge. :D
>You want me to come pay
>you a visit???? What
>you want to throw snowballs
>out of your treehouse?
>You're a twerp great western and
>a gutless liar at that.

Chit I was always under the impression having intimate knowledge around a sheep was a Idaho thing.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
>Haha, sure come on over tardstate,
>you're welcome anytime tuff guy
>Blithering invertebrate tool :)

Don't know whats funnier the fact I was razzing Tri, or the you admitting to being a sheep lover haha. Ill make some popcorn now ;)

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams

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