new barrel


distance (Guest)

is there somewhere out there in cyber space a site that i can order a rifle barrel approx 28" long with good to perfect riflings ?-
I am looking to change the one on my 30-06 just to get a little more distance out of it
can be bull or regular }>
Try Pac-nor, Hart, Shilen, Douglas, etc. Personally I would save my money and buy a 300mag, it will be cheaper in the long run and you will get the effect you are looking for! A rebarrel job is going to run you at the very least $400, $500 wouldn't be unreasonable and they go way up from there depending on barrle maker and smith. Besides with an extra 4-6 inches worth of barrle you are not going to pick up that much velocity, maybe, 100fps at the most. With in real world shooting conditions that will equate to about half an inch in trajectory. IMO a 28" barrel would be very akward to handle and shoot in the field, especially if it was a bull bbl. Good luck with what ever you do.

bambistew is right. you're not going to get enough out of it to justify the expense. you can buy a new rifle in a hotrod caliber for what a new barrel will cost. nothing wrong with an '06. but they ain't a .300 mag. there is only so much you can do with one.
I bought a brand new 06 Winchester's classic featherweight I love it.But it came stock with a 22" barrel and theres no problems here "grouping around an inch" With all the new powders out there barrel length is kinda a thing of the past.,if not call them I have ordered a shotgun barrel before 800-237-4444

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