Never Enough GLASSING secrets to success



Well over the last 3 or 4 years I have really started to do a lot more Glassing.. And I would say it has taken me to a new hight in hunting. I know there are a lot better hunters out there and I know there are a lot harder hunters out there. So I needed to make some changes and since I am not in sheep shape I started glassing. Well it MADE A BIG DIFFERANCE...

Well I got a DVD from Prism the other day and I would say that anyone that hunts should beg barrow or steal one (ok maybe not beg) but you should get your hands on it as I have learned a lot of things that will help me in this video and I thought I new it all... Allthough this is not a kill them and grill them video it will help you find and harvest more and better trophys so go out and get one it would be worth every penny to learn some of the secrets that Paul shares in this Video

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
My hunting world totally changed when I started glassing several years ago. I'm gonna order the video today. fatrooster.
Since I did not win the give-away, I think I will also buy this DVD. Prism is a successful mule deer hunter and this DVD should help. I admit I am not the best glasser out there. I have good glass, I just need to learn to use it correctly.

I think the MonsterMuley store carries them.
Just got done watching mine. I really liked it. Very informative, well worth the money. Will be trying the binos on a tripod and doing a better job of gridding my glassing areas.


"When You Deserve The Very Best"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-07 AT 04:27PM (MST)[p]Where can I get one of these as well?? Prism, you out there??

Edit**** I just read the other post and found I can get one online here at MM. Thanks anyway.
I thought it was just OK. A little to much technical stuff in my opinion. I was looking more for practical applications in the field and tips on where/how to look for western big game.



Appreciate your opinion. We tried our best to balance the technical stuff with the realworld hunting stuff.

I was pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Don't get me wrong, I wish I would have seen that video ten years ago. I also wish Vortex was around then as well. It would have saved me some money, and helped me find more animals.



That's good to hear.

I too wish I would of had a DVD like this 10 or so years ago. A lot of guys are starting to get it, but there's still a bunch of guys out there that don't quite get glassing.

Nothing like watching a guy "glass" through his rifle scope-expecially when it's pointed in your direction....

Thanks again for your input!
I will have to agree with BigBull - To much technical stuff. I to was looking for more practical instruction on glassing. Just when I thought it was getting away from the technical specs of bino's and scopes and into the art of glassing itself the DVD ended shortly after.

The practical instruction we did get was good though. Especially the bino's on tripod ideas, I have never even though of it. I pack around my bino's AND my scope.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
I liked the DVD too. I couldn't help but notice how many times the younger guy from Vortex said "um" though. Maybe I have had too many public communication classes, but what he was saying was important and he obviously knows his stuff, just says "um" way too much.

I really like the discussion regarding finding a comfortable spot to glass from and keeping the sun at your back when possible. I have noticed myself how much more difficult it is to glass when you are facing the sun.

Thanks for putting out the DVD. It is important to not only have good optics, but also know how to use them.

I look forward to putting my new Razors through the grids. Thanks cowslayer!

I loved all the trophy footage.

For those new to glassing and trying to sort through all the technical aspects of bino's and scopes this DVD is a must. I wish I had it a few years back when I was trying to find MY binoculars.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
Haven't personally seen it, but here's a review I found on another site:

"So, it's the week before Xmas and I'm wandering around the aisles at Sportsman's Ho-house, picking up a few last-minute nylon-stocking stuffer items for my hunting friends. I see a nicely packaged (80 minute) DVD on "Glassing, Secrets to Sucess" and figure I'll treat myself to this $12 DVD.

Arrrrrrrghhhh !! (and no, that's not my best Pirate immitation) ... it's my reaction to feeling like I've been ripped-off, by a worthless DVD in a "pretty-package".

Watching it was actually painfull. Couldn't they find someone who was articulate, to do the narrative ? This poor guy does so many "Uhmms" and pregnant pauses, that I began to think he's related to Brittany Spears little-sister. Surely the post-production editing should have eliminated the bad takes and bumbling commentary.

This whole DVD was simply a big pimp (and pump) for the Vortex line of binos and spotting scopes. While I've never used any of the Vortex optics products, I did visit their web-site, only to see that they highly tout the fact that their binos supposedly won a best-of-the-best award from Field and Stream. Wow ... maybe these Vortex binos really are better than a weekend in St. Thomas with Halley Berry. So I visit the Field-n-Stream site, only to find out that the supposed Great-Bino test, only included samples from 4 other competitors (Bushnell, Burris, Steiner, et-al) and no examples from Sawro, Zeiss or Leica. Hmmmm (best of the "Best" ?) .... me smells the proverbial week-old dead fish here. Maybe the fact that the DVD was produced by "Never - Enough" productions, should have been the first clue.

Oh, and the big "Secrets" from the footage ... which fill-up (maybe) the last 7 minutes of the video ... Don't skyline yourself ... sit on something comfortable (in the shade)
and scan slowly ... (in my best Homer Simpson voice): "Well DOH" !!

This DVD should have a warning sticker ... "Caution - If purchasing this DVD, you're about to get ripped off".

If you want to learn about Optics and Glassing, re-read MD's book on optics and related posts on 24hr. Leave this shamless product-promotion to die it's remaining stinky death, orphaned on the rack at Sportsmans.

... Silver Bullet

Tune in next week ... and I'll tell you how I really feel."
Ok, I stumped I've looked at about every hunting forum I know of and can't find that post?

Infact, this is the only one I could find and it was on the bowsite.

Posted by Raghorn.

"This DVD has lots of answers to the most common optics questions. Those of you who don't know the difference between "roof" and "porro" or why "phase corrected" is important, this DVD is for you. It will teach you in 1 hour what takes most people years to learn.

Anyone who is considering buying your first pair of "good" binocluars, this DVD is worth ten times what it cost."
I think it's obvious that Vortex is the sponsor of the DVD from logo and the binoculars on the cover. Most consumers should be smart enough to figure out that if a manufactures logo and/or binoculars are on the cover of a hunting DVD, then that's what will be used for the video.

I find it amusing that someone can say a DVD going into detail about objective lenses, prisms, eye relief, lens coatings, cleaning lenses, fogging issues, griding areas, and ect. is "simply a big pimp (and pump)" for Vortex products. The video has all kinds of good information for people who don't already "know it all" about optics and glassing. It is a great video for people who are looking to buy any brand of optics and don't understand how they work and what the trade offs are. However, I did get a kick out of the guy saying "um" all of the time. If I was buying hunting/optics videos based on commentary and editing I don't think I would own any, so the guy saying "um" all of the time just made me laugh.

The person who wrote the review on the other site made it perfectly clear what their intent was with their own statements "Maybe the fact that the DVD was produced by "Never - Enough" productions, should have been the first clue." I think that comment speaks for itself. Good job Paul!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-07 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]I think what he was trying to say is; he NEVER should have bought it, and he had had more than ENOUGH by the time it was over, but I could be wrong....
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-07 AT 05:42AM (MST)[p]I got a lot out of this DVD. I am relatively new to optics, as well as hunting out west, so this DVD is very helpful for me. I really enjoyed the footage as well, that was a neat bonus.

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"
Since you don't like it, can you send it to me. I will be happy to pay the shipping. PM me thanks.
I think it's pretty safe to say that "Silver Bullets" review isn't objective.

He definitely has a bone to pick with somebody.

As Torch pointed out it's pretty easy to see that Vortex is a large part of the DVD. That being said there is very little if any Vortex sales pitch. The information contained in the DVD applies to all optics and optics manufacturers.

Most people are also smart enough to know that magazines give awards in catagories. In optics these catagories are generally broken into price ranges, low priced, mid priced, and high priced.

When I first started filming I had the habit of saying "well" at the start of almost every sentence. It took me a long time to conciously quit saying "well," and I still have a hard time with it.

Any of you that have been on film, given an interview, public speaking, etc. will know what I'm talking about. It takes a lot of practice.

To say that I wasn't amazed by the professional, educated, and well spoken presentations that Sam and Paul from Vortex gave would be a huge understatement. Simply put, these guys know their stuff as well and likely better than anyone in the optics industry. To put the technical information Sam talks about in easy to understand wording is very difficult.

Sam makes things so simple to understand even I get it:)

We had 2 days to shoot this DVD, and almost every segment was shot in one take. I'd challenge anyone in the industry to put out something better.

To my knowledge, there isn't another DVD out there that even comes close to the amount of useable glassing information found here.

There is a ton of literature on optics and glassing, but it's my feeling that the average guy will gain more in these 80 minutes than he would in years of trial and error, and hours upon hours of reading.

Your comment regarding putting things in terms that the average joe will understand is true. Sometimes that is really hard to do. In my line of work, there is a lot of technical information that I have to know well. Then my job is to sell it to the general public. I have found myself speaking in a nearly foreign language to some people. Others want all the technical jargon. I can only imagine the challenge of trying to make everyone happy with a presentation that allows no interaction wth the audience such as a DVD.

As I mentioned in my first post, I thought that Sam was obviously knowledgable and an expert on how the optics can help us hunters. I agree that he did a good job of explaining the information in a way that the average "joe" would understand what to look for when buying a set of binos or a spotter.

Sure they mention the Vortex line of optics, that is part of their job. I would be disappointed in them if they didn't. That said, I never once heard them "bash" on a different mfg. or try to only push their products. That has to draw some measure of respect in my opinion.

I can also apreciate the difficulty in elimating words that have become part of our everyday vocabulary. You have obviously had to overcome saying "Well" and I have had things that I have had to fix too. I remember taking a classes at the University where we had to tape our presentations and then watch and critique ourselves. I was shocked by how often words like "um" or "uh" or even "you know" are said in general speech. As you mention it takes practice to overcome these habits.

Your movies Never Enough I, II and III, have set a high standard. They are very well done and very well thought out. This is why the "ums" stood out to me so much. But that said, the information given is valuable, especially to those who don't understand how optics are made or how they differ from one another.

Sorry to ramble on, and I apologize if what I have said before caused offense as that was not my intention. Keep up the terrific work. I am looking forward to volume IV of the Never Enough series.


PS. The bonus features with the Monkey media guys was very funny. Thanks!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-08 AT 01:47PM (MST)[p]Yesterday I met up with cowslayer to pick up an angled nomad and he gave me a copy of this video. It contains a lot of great information. The technical section was really good. The glassing part was pretty common sense if you have done much glassing, but many hunters don't, and they will learn a lot. I didn't see a big sales pitch either, just an informational DVD. The 'um' was disturbing, but the mossback crew's mullets are very disturbing and I still like their videos. Good video Paul and thanks for the deal on the spotter Chris.

This is a must have for anyone looking into their first quality glass , or wanting to get into glassing, and a good review for those who already know their stuff.

FireHawk and Andy,

Thanks for the input.

There must be some demand out there for a DVD like this because they're selling like crazy.

Maybe inpart to the good (and bad) reviews on here:)

Good luck glassing!
I bought this DVD at SW yesterday. I watched the entire DVD and I picked up some good tips. I also picked up a couple things about optics I did not know. Yes, the young fellow from Vortex needs to take some public speaking lessons to get rid of the ummms, but overall it was worth the price.
First....anybody that says they "know it all" about optics and glassing and can't learn from the people who really know about optics is FOS!!!! That just tells me that their oppinion isn't worth a plug nickle.

Second....I know Paul personally. He takes a lot of pride in what he does and, as somebody already said, has set a higher standard for hunting DVD's. I haven't seen the glassing DVD yet but you can bet your arse it's on my list of things to watch/do before next hunting season. We are making an atempt at our own DVD and to produce the flow and quality (along with the graphics and music) that Paul does is extremely tough to do. Of course everybody has an oppinion but I'm sure this glassing DVD will undoubtedly be unsurpassed!

Keep the great work coming Paul!!!

It's always an adventure!!!
IMO the DVD is very informative, well done, and non-biased.

Cudos to Prism & Vortex!

"WIndage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Worth the money eh?


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Glassing is the most productive way to hunt.Period! Even if a guy picked up only a couple tips in th DVD it would be worth the money.

Here is one of the best articles i have read on glassing. And it's written by a guy who has killed or guided on lots of big bucks and bulls. Enjoy!

So many articles have been written in the past about glassing, and I agree with most of what I have read over the years. For a couple of years Chris Denham and Floyd Green have been asking me to write an article about glassing, but I felt like everything I had to offer had already been written about extensively. During this past fall, while spending countless hours glassing next to my clients, I tried to figure out why many of them rarely glassed any deer, even though they had very good optical equipment. With the privilege of hind sight and a little experimentation during this past season of guiding, I have come to the conclusion that two different aspects of glassing account for this discrepancy. These two things are glassing slowly, and more importantly, glassing with confidence.

Slow Down!

The first time I realized this was on a Mule Deer hunt in Nevada with someone who I heard was an incredible glasser. Because he had never really spent much time glassing for mule deer in the type of terrain we were hunting, he was glassing very fast, covering country as quick as possible without methodically picking the country apart. This led to very few deer sightings on his part and a lot of skepticism on my part. By the third day of our trip though he figured out where the deer were hanging out, and started to focus on those places, methodically picking them apart. Once he became confident that there were deer in these places he started to slow down and make some incredible spots, and it wasn't long before my skepticism turned to amazement. This showed me that even an experienced great glasser can have difficulty, if he doesn't slow down and glass more methodically. While this seems like an obvious thing to do, I can tell you from past experiences it isn't. Whenever I was scouting new areas that I was unfamiliar with, the number of deer I spotted was drastically lower than normal. Part of this could be attributed to the fact that I didn't know the area as well, but that was only part of the reason. More often than not it was because I was glassing two quickly and without confidence.

Be Confident!

Think of how many times you have been glassing an area with your hunting partner and he spots a bedded deer. As soon as you get behind his tripod and look through his binos you immediately locate the deer he has spotted. Often times the deer is on a ridge that you have glassed repeatedly, over and over again without producing the same deer. The fact that you see the buck now proves that your eyes and equipment are capable, but your technique is lacking. As soon as your partner told you he had a deer, your brain started to pick apart every aspect of his field of view, with complete confidence until you located the deer. Imagine if there was a way to trick your brain into thinking there was always a deer in your field of view.

This past season I tried this technique with several clients and was amazed with the results. Every time I spotted an animal I would have them look through my binos until they located the animal. Once they had the confidence that they could find game I had them slow down and look through their own bino and tripod setup. I had them look through their viewfinder and tell themselves that there was a deer in their field of view. They did this until they were absolutely convinced that there weren't any deer and then moved their binos to a new spot and started the process over. The results were amazing. Every single one of them started spotting more game than ever before. The more they tried the technique and located deer, the more confident they became and things started to snowball from there.

On the next trip I tried to test this theory even more. I would pick a basin that I had not looked at yet and would tell my client that I had seen a deer in it. Because he thought that there were deer in the basin he would almost always find them. The important thing to realize is that this same client had glassed next to me prior to this test for three days in the same country and had not spotted a single deer. The only variable that had changed was that he now had confidence that there were deer there, and therefore glassed more thoroughly.

Even though I still glass quickly in certain areas depending on the terrain, whenever I start having difficulty spotting game I go back to this technique and it always really helps. Try it next time you are out glassing, what have you got to lose??

Greg Krogh
My feelings about this DVD are spot-on with Silver Bullets. I watched it with my Brother-in-law, and felt my face get red a few times from his ridiculing me about getting ripped off. I had hoped this video would have showed more as to where to look for animals in terms of where they like to bed down etc. And the younger guy saying "um" all the time drove me up the wall. The older guy was very well spoken. It definitly was'nt worth $12.

Hate to see you go red in the face.:)

Send me a pm and I'll arrange a refund for you.
I have the DVD and am very happy with it. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said in its defense. All I can say is that one mans garbage is another mans treasure. Meaning that we are all different and all have different taste. I have a friend getting ready to buy optics and he didn't know anything about them. I bought him this DVD as a gift and he has gone from someone who knows nothing to someone who knows as much as I do. It took me several years to learn it, it took him 80 minutes. fatrooster.

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