


Check your card for any hits . We got a hit for $ 1200. My Dad , Brother or myself drew . Can't freaking wait !!!!!
Sheepshooter. Congrats to whoever drew. What areas did you apply for?

I have refrained from looking so far. I want to drag it out. I'm sure I'll buckle at some point later.
NVBighorn , My brother and myslef put in for all 3 sheep and my Dad put in for Ca. and desert . We filled up all the choices so it's anybodys guess what we drew . My Dad is really concerned that he drew , he's having some serious problems with his shoulder . Guess my Brother and myself will carry his gear if he draws . Think I'll bring my 3 old boy for good luck as well .
Well, I caved and looked. Not long after I said I wouldn't too.

I got hit for the two PIW charges and now have $90 that means we either drew three deer tags or a deer tag and an antelope. Looks like I will be "sheepless in Nevada" again this year. Unless of course I was lucky and drew a Rocky tag and it just hasn't hit my card yet. Yeah, that's it, maybe it's still coming. Yeah, right.

I do still have an Oregon app out there so maybe...
NVBighorn, "sheepless in Nevada"......LOL Now that's funny!

Sheepshooter, congrats, that's exciting. What a thrill that must be.

I have a $1200 charge on my visa!!!!!!

I can't stand the wait. How long until I find out???

It can't come soon enough.

Please be the Rocky tag!!
In complete shock . The 1200 charge is gone now there is a charge for 720 ( 3 deer tags ) . I've got a feeling lots and lots of phone calls are going to be made by me in the next week when draw results come out .

Terry let me know what your list says when you get it , THANKS .

LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-05 AT 03:57PM (MST)[p]Looks like it's one deer and one antelope for us the way the charge is showing up.

Sheepshooter, I have had charges show up and disappear in the past only to reappear again later. Hope it all works out for ya.
I was charged 120 last week. I hope it is a sheep tag, it could be my wifes tag but this was her first year putting in for sheep. We put in for 8 different hunts at that charge. It is killing me I want to know what tag it is.
So the emails are out. What does everyone have? I drew both the antelope and deer tag. 181-184 antelope and 171-173 muzz deer. Been wanting that muzz tag for a few years. I was hoping my son or wife drew one but I guess I can't complain.

Sheepshooter, what finally happened on your charges?
Just got the email no sheep tag for me . I need to check with my Dad and Brother . Looks like we're hunting the same zone as you , just you'll be there in Sept and I'll be there in Oct.

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