Nevada rumor



I heard that a Nevada resident drew both a desert and California tag for sheep, as well as some other tags...what a hunting season!
There is a guy from Vegas that drew the following:

Muzz deer area 111
Desert sheep area 221
Muzz cow elk area 114
Mountain goat area 102
California Bighorn sheep area 066

That's a lot of luck in one year. Talk about spending it all in one place. I wouldn't even want that many tags in one year. I hope he can do them all justice.

Seems like that happens every year. When your number is up you are golden.
I hope he has a lot of vacation time. I would say he is on a lucky streak and needs to go to Vegas but he's already there.

good luck
WOW! Yeha I agree , hope he can do them all justice, would have to hate to choose...I'd dump the cow elk hunt and put that effort towards the others...
One lucky hunter to draw them all. He should dump the deer & elk tags and just worry about the two sheep tags and the goat tag hunts.
When it rains, it pours.


Had to get in on this thread. The lucky hunter is a friend of mine. He is obviously struggling with the options of the upcoming season. I'll try to keep you all posted on what transpires.

It's a tough position to be in, but I guess he won't be worrying about future Nevada draws too much.
I've often thought that Nevada should develop a system of prioritizing tags, where an applicant is allowed 1 big game tag per year plus a deer tag. Put them in order of demand and when you draw a tag you are out for the rest. I would put them in drawing order something like
RM Sheep
Desert Sheep
CA sheep

This gentleman seems to be a good example of something like this.
I have known others who drew multiple in 1 year and wish they didn't. But you don't dare not put in for everything for fear of getting nothing!
Any thoughts?
Carl, you saw that too. I thought I was the only one that spent hours looking to see who drew what.

There was two guys last year that drew two sheep tags in the same year. The first guy drew a rocky tag for 102 and killed a 175 ram then he had a desert tag for 263 and killed a 160+ ram. The other guy drew a bull elk, antelope, california bighorn in 066 and a desert tag in 184.

I am all for only drawing one trophy tag a year. I know I wouldn't want that many tags in a year. I think that is one of the things that might change in the next couple of years for the Nevada draw.
This guy should call Eastman's or some videographer it would make a great video. It could be named "Dream Season" or "A Season to Remember".

The price of this is astronomical for most of us if we had to pay out of pocket for these tags:

Desert Sheep $50,000+
CA Sheep $20,000
Goat $7,000

I don't know what he has to look forward to after 2007. This is a dream season for even an extremely wealthy person.

Actually there is a commission committee working on recommendations rights now on how to improve the system. They are taking any and all suggestions from the public and then are narrowing them down and picking them apart. They are supposed to come back to the commission before next year (I think) with recommendations. The idea you are throwing out there is one that has been recommended. I recommend you email or call Commissioner Jim Jeffress with any ideas or support you have. I am sure his email is available on the NDOW webpage.

I really don't think a prioritized system like that would be that hard to implement. I know I would sure sleep better knowing I wasn't going to get overwhelmed if my lucky day were to come at drawing time.


I actually hadn't noticed the guy until I saw this post and went snooping through my sheep list a little closer.
There is nothing wrong with the Nv system as it is now... is there?

So one guy gets alot of tags one year... that is the luxury of the system...

I would rather have that 'problem' maybe happening than being stuck with 'One and Done' if drawn after all the fees paid to even apply...for all species.

One person drawing multiple tags changes the odds by .00089 for the rest of us... BFD... it is one tag issued no matter if the same person draws multiple tags correct?

This is a good example why my state quit doing the draw results by unit and by hunter so people could have some privacy and so others that have to nose into others lives couldn't do this very 'thread' type personal invasion of someones privacy.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-07 AT 10:12AM (MST)[p]>There is nothing wrong with the
>Nv system as it is
>now... is there?
I think Nevada has the best system. It MAY need a little tweaking. There are those who think so and a committee like I described will look at it because of the constant b!tching of people who don't draw as often as they'd like. It may find that there are no improvements necessary or worth the side effects.

>So one guy gets alot of
>tags one year... that is
>the luxury of the system...
I have not encountered very many guys "who get a lot of tags" who end up very happy about it. Maybe you have that kind of time since you do apply in several states. I don't think most people do have that time and end up cheating themselves somewhere. In turn if they cheat themselves by not using a tag or not putting in the effort required they in fact cheated another hunter who maybe would have used that tag better. And yes it may only be one tag, but it may be the one tag you would have drawn.

>I would rather have that 'problem'
>maybe happening than being stuck
>with 'One and Done' if
>drawn after all the fees
>paid to even apply...for all

The prepaid fee issue is one that would need to be figured out if they tried to "fix" it. So would bonus points.

>One person drawing multiple tags changes
>the odds by .00089 for
>the rest of us... BFD...
>it is one tag issued
>no matter if the same
>person draws multiple tags correct?
True one guys tags don't affect my odds by much at all. I look at it more from the point of if I was the one who drew all those tags. I'd have a hard time.

>This is a good example why
>my state quit doing the
>draw results by unit and
>by hunter so people could
>have some privacy and so
>others that have to nose
>into others lives couldn't do
>this very 'thread' type personal
>invasion of someones privacy.

Whoa! Struck a nerve? I like the fact that Nevada posts the names and areas. If I or a friend draw a sheep tag I want to be able to see who I will be out there with. It may affect how I hunt. I also like, and I know a lot of others do, to be able to see what my friends draw.

As for nosing into private lives, I'm not sure how the original poster got his information but I suspect the rumor mill had it flying around. It's a relatively small, tightly knit, group hunting in Nevada. I got my information in a slightly different way. I didn't post the guy's name, although I could since it is a matter of public record. Like it or not, it is public information, not private. Any individual can purchase the successful list, complete with addresses, from Systems Consultants. That's how the guides and taxidermists contact you when you do draw a tag. If they can have it for a fee, why can't I have it for a bit of effort?

can u find out if hunter name on NEVADA BIGHORN SHEEP draw if drew?

ROBERT HELMS from Reno..he drew Las Vegas area for bighorn hunt start NOV 15...


thanks...he told me he bought a tag but didn't say from where......after I asked him that his name is not on list for bighorn but i do see he drew for deer...035..


but thanks!! vinihunt

in your post you mention your state has stopped publishing names and units of draw. I know Utah stopped doing this starting this year. I don't know if other states have done the same. So, Are you from Utah?
I apply in Utah every year so I am pretty familiar with their system, and it's pretty close to what I suggested for Nevada.
You can only get 1 limited entry tag per year in Utah and 1 once in a lifetime tag. In fact you can only apply for one of each. If you go limited entry deer, you can't put in for limited entry elk. Same goes for once in a lifetime tags. I dont want that to happen in Nevada. I think that's too restrictive. I want to be able to apply for everything I'm eligible for, but I don't want to draw it all at once.
As for your post that it's only one tag that a hunter takes.
When your talkin very limited tags for Sheep especially RM sheep
every tag is valuable and the hunter that gets it should be
able to expend every effort to make it a hunt of a lifetime.
Can you do that with 2 sheep tags a goat tag a deer tag and an
elk tag all at once?
If a person is worried about drawing TOO many tags, apply for points only for some hunts. I do it every year.

In 2005 I drew a Wy elk unit 32 tag, wy antelope 57 tag, and a Rocky Mtn sheep tag in Idaho. Is this a problem? Yes, but because of me and no one else. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in July of 2005. I sat down with my list of prioities and never set foot in Unit 32 for elk. I ate $800. Too bad, my own fault.

In spite of this what id did get is quality time with my dad during his 3 month chemo treatment, spent 23 days scouting and hunting sheep, and killed a 82" antelope in Wy in 3 days of hunting. You don't see tears in my eyes and me complaining. Deal with the rules and if you draw "TOO MUCH" it is a good problem to have and only yourself to blame. Amen.
If you just put in for bonus points, then you're not in the game.
If that sheep tag doesn't come, then I want to be in the game
for an elk or antelope tag. Bonus point only won't get me that.
However, if that sheep tag does come, then maybe I don't want
that elk tag the same year.
Odds are i'm not going to draw that sheep or goat tag so I want
to be in the hunt for other tags.
But if I hit the big one, give the antelope tag to someone else.
Thanks fella's for your thoughts and post's.

Seeing as no one else has offered to help this lucky guy out to maybe inhance his chances to harvest and fill as many of these tags possible....

Let me be the first to offer any intel I can on his 111-units muley hunt.

Granted I bow hunt muleys in those units but I can give him as much as I can from my experience hunting those units.

If anyone knows how to touchbase with him, please give him the option to contact me.

[email protected]

The only thing I would like Nevada to change would be for the lucky tag holder to be able to not accept the tag and let it go to an alternate then not lose bonus points.

I also like D13rs idea. And I agree with NVdrhntr that you are not in the game if you only apply for points. I want the sheep, if I don't draw the sheep, I want the other sheep, if I don't draw the other sheep I want the third sheep, and so on. You get the picture.

Let me also say I'm not jealous of this guy, nor do I wish him anything but good luck. I hope he has the year of his life. It probably will never happen again so I really hope he can put it together. I just don't know what I would do with that much luck all at once unless I hit the lottery at the same time. I don't know this guy from Adam but I would help him if I could. I think those that know me know I would.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter


I am the lucky man who drew the 5 tags in Nevada. I have had a lot of bonus points and have been applying yearly forever. I did not think I would draw much less one than three great hunts. I do believe a few things need to change with Nevada as it will be very tough to hunt four of these hunts in September. I am starting to scout CA Bighorn within the next two weeks. Goat I have booked with an outfitter. Desert Bighorn I have hunted with friends in the area I drew and feel pretty good of sucess in this unit.

I am lucky to have many friends that like to hunt and we go with each other to help. That's the best part of hunting in my mind if being with family and friends. This way many get to enjoy what our great state has to offer.

Nevada is a great state and its been great to me and my family and friends. I have had two bull elk tags in the Ely area and killed a 363 Bull and a Muzzleloader 342 bull. This will be my second desert bighorn tag. I harvested a 164 Ram in 1986 in unit 266.

The goat hunt I have been on twice prior with my friends. I plan to devote the whole month of September to hunting our great state.

I will get the Muzzleloader deer hunt in with my son who drew a Jr. Tag in the same unit as well as a few of my friends. He is 15 and will most likely accompany me on most of these trips as we hunt together.

I am one lucky Nevada Hunter and proud of it! Keep putting in and don't make any excuses as we only get to live in the dash!

Have a great season!
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Sierra-Hunting, congrats on all your hunts. I agree with you about killing a animal isn't the only thing about hunting. I have just as fun helping someone out as I do when i have a tag. It sounds like it's going to be a good year for you, Good Luck and keep us posted. Ryan
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

First of all I would like to congratulate you on your successful results!! Again, was it CA Sheep, Desert Sheep, Deer, Elk and Goat!! What happened you didn't get the Rocky Mnt. Sheep?? I know that even with the majority of your hunts being in September you have plenty of friends including myself who will enjoy scouting and hunting with you. Don't drop the Muley hunt there many of us with tags anxious to hunt with you. Just think we won't need to worry about you taking all the tags for awhile.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Mr Wilson,

Congratulations to you on your luck. I hope you have been playing the mega bucks a bit too because luck like that doesn't happen every day. Maybe that's a good thing. I do truly wish you well. Glad to hear you have good friends and experience that can help out. Oh, and welcome to MM. Please, please, keep us updated on the progress of your hunts. And don't forget the pictures. We will be waiting.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Big D,

Well put. I'm looking forward to this fall and hope to help as much as possible.

Your bud.

RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter


Sounds like you have a good plan of attack. Like the song says,"Too much of a good thing is a good thing". We'll all be cheering for you to get some fine animals.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

I'm not sure if you are lucky or tortured. I would be more stresseed than happy I think. Have one Hell of a Fall! Good luck!
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

I like D13er's idea. Just like Colorado, return the tag and get y0ur points back while forfeiting the tag fee or get your $$$ back and lose points. I'm one for 25 or so right now but happy to have 1 quality hunt. If I don't draw Wyoming deer, I'll spend 2 full weeks in the Nv desert chasing dumb, early season chukar and love every minute of that 2. No OTC archery elk for me this year regardless of the remaining draws.

Good luck Sierra/Nevada.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter


Not sure if you hang around here much but how did the busy season go?
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

NV Bighorn,

Late August I left for Northern Nevada for California Bighorn. If you recall I had 066 which did not have alot of sheep in the Snowstorm Mountians. I hunted with Mark BoHach and Jim Puryear. Both awesome guides and brought along my son and some friends. Did see a few sheep and after 3 days scouting and 3 days hunting I shot a 7 YO ram. He scored 142.

Then off to the Ruby's for the Mountain Goat Hunt. I had booked with what I thought was a reputable outfitter only to find out he had over booked. I booked and sent him payment in full a couple of days after the tag results were issued. I as you know drew Muzzleloader deer in Area 11 with my 16 YO son. We were to hunt with others that had drawn so I could not make the first of September opener. The guide new this but stated not to worry. I had been up in the Ruby's enough to know that it held plenty of goats. One day before my departure to meet this guy he swapped me with another outfitter who provided me with very little imformation as to where we would be hunting or the amount of time he could hunt. They both were completely booked and he stated he was not sure where we would hunt. That to me was unacceptable because the outfitter new of my earlier tags. I made a call to Wilde Brough and Mike Morrision of Humbolt Outfitters and Wilde got me hooked up to go into the unit with Mike through another guides land. This was great. Had a great camp and a great time. Had a friend come along with us and we went in 12 miles on mules. I had hunted with Mike before and knew he was a tough old man! We worked hard for 5 days and only saw 8 total goats. It was tough but we got luck on day 5 and I shot a 8 year old Nanny with 9.25 inch horns. Was buy mistake she was with a billy who had decided to move and I shot the wrong goat. It was ok I have a great billy from BC so I am mounting her next to him on a rock that he is on. Good hunt and had a great time.

I then left early November to scout for my desert ram in area 221. It does not have a lot of sheep but I had great company on this hunt. Again my son was with me and more buddies. We scouted for three days prior to see nothing. Paul V from Vegas came up and he and his cousin found two ewes and a lamb high in the trees on the unit. We glassed hard into the season for any sheep at all. Made a nice stock on a rock with what we thought were horns from three miles. Good time and a great surprise to the rock. My son and I had managed to find a 4 YO ram on day two. We checked on him a daily hoping something larger would join him in the remote area he was in. On Monday morning as we were glassing and driving in to the area we had seen him I spotted an 8 YO ram. He was really broomed off bad and broken on one side. The other hunter in the unit had not even see a sheep either so we were suprised to find him. He was out in the desert country as he should have been and not in the trees. I put a sneak on him and got to 301 yards where I shot him. He scored 143 and was 8 YO.

Had a great season but way to much hunting to really enjoy it right. Something should be done to be able to either get just one tag or give one back if needed so others can hunt. Nevada is an awesome dry state. You will find wildlife living in areas that nothing else will survive.

Thanks for the comments you made earlier in the year and I was one lucky SOB!

RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

NICE JOB Sierra!!!




RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Just a couple of nice three points. Nothing special but we got to spend some time in the field. The group shot 1 nice 25" wide 4 point, a smaller 4 point and 3 three points.

All young deer except for the 25" wide four point. We hunted 111.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Wow, Sierra, you had quite a season. Glad you pulled it off. I'd be in trouble with that kind of luck. Congrats on the trophies. Thanks for the response.
RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter

Good for you Sierra.

Lots of animals harvested and lots of time spent with family and friends.


RE: Nevada rumor - I am the Lucky Hunter


Congrats on a great season. Sounds like you really had to grind it out. Sometimes the trophies that mean the most are the ones we work the hardest for, not the largest head. Your taxidermy bill is going to be like an African Safari!

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