Nevada Ram


Very Active Member
I posted this picture of Casper a while back. I finally got the kill photo from my friend tonight. I watched this ram for a few years along with another huge ram. He scores 181

I didn't kill him. This is one of our clients. I don't know if I could have shot him. I'd watched him so long he was like a pet.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-06 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]Great Pictures. Absolutely great. Is that a Rocky or a California Bighorn?

If I can just hunt sheep once in my life I will be happy. Thanks for posting, especially the live picture.
Awesome ram, the mass is almost unbelieveable. How old was he?

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
He was 13 years old and he's number 6 in the Nevada record book. He always hung out with another ram that was called Ballistic Tip that scored 188 and is the number two in Nevada. He was 13 also. They were killed a week apart. This is both of them together.

Last season I saw two rams running together that resembled these two. One had the light color of Casper and the other had the mass of Baillistic Tip. Could be thier offspring.

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