Nevada Desert Sheep



Found a honey hole for sheep while deer hunting. Way off the road and a tough hike in. Couldn't get the Phoneskope and Vortex spotting scope on a couple really nice ones quick enough. Ended the day at around 60 sheep spotted with about 20 legal rams. Even found a 147" deadhead. I beat from hiking around all day, but it was a ton of fun!

This pic was taken at 465 yards

This picture was just over 800 yards

This pic was taken through my Vortex binoculars off my knee. Spotter was in my bag and I new I couldn't get it out fast enough. Lots of mass on this guy.

And last but not least, my deadhead as I found it

I've always wanted to find a sheep dead and and finally did it today
Thanks for sharing the pics. Congrats on the dead head. Did you see any deer to shoot?

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Finding a deadhead is kind of like getting a free sheep tag...well sort of. Anyway congrats on the find of the honey hole and the head.

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