Nevada deer draw Fair?


JGM (Guest)

If I read the regs correctly, nonres. and res. will apply in the same "pool" for any weapon deer tags. I did not see any "cap" on the percentage of tags nonres could draw. And the # of bonus points some nonres. hunters have accumulated will futher degrade a res. hunters chance at drawing. This is unfair as all the other western states limit there nonres. hunters. Residents in Nevada only draw tags once every 3-4 years as it is. Someone plese tell me I'm wrong!
Upon further investigation I see that there is a nonres. quota. What would happen on a party app. if the nonres. quota was filled, and the res. quota was unfilled. Would both tags be issued, only the res. tag issued, or both tags unissued?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-04 AT 03:16PM (MST)[p]It just means you can apply as a party. But if there are no tags of one or the other residency categories left no one in the party draws. So say I as a resident apply with two non-residents. Our party's number gets drawn. If there is one resident tag left but no no-resident tags left in that area we do not get tags. If there are two nonresident tags and one resident tag we all draw tags. Simple as that. Just like any other party app. All go or none go. The limit is still 10% of the total quota for each area.

Look here:
on page 40 and 41.

It explains it fairly well. Resident and Nonresidents are not drawing for the same tags. But you can be sure that IF your party draws you all go to the same area. Personally I think it only hurts the resident that chooses to apply with nonresidents. Just a numbers game.Oh but as in all partty applications the number of bonus points are totalled and averaged over all the members of the party.
actually I believe NVBighorn is right. tag quota runs out, the party is out of luck. That's the way i read it.
Nvbighorn is correct. I was at the guided hunt draw today in Fallon and that was one of the topics.

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