There is a lot of them and they are stupid, I am also seeing a lot of quail in areas i have never seen them before.
What do you think about the three day limit this year?
We just got back from the Snake River here in NE Oregon, worst year in last 20 is what ODFW is saying and I think they're right. I got 14 birds in 2 1/2 days but I would have had 24 any other year easy, we just didn't see near the number of birds as years past. I'm going to try the SE part of the state and see if it came through the hatch better.
The last few years in nevada have been great and this year is no exception, With more birds comes more hunters unfortunatly, And i did witness 4 guys in a durango drive up and down a canyon 10 times while i hiked up it and back down, Also you have the guys that just sit at the water holes all the way up the canyon, Opening day sucks!
I managed to find some secluded spots and did pretty well without a dog.
Missed it cause we were chasing elk in Colorado. And did I miss it. Think I enjoy hunting the little buggers more than big game the last few years. Took my son to Co. and he got a decent 6 point bull but the school is making him go to class Sat to make up for the time he missed so I'll be chasing chukar by myself this Sat on the Calif opener. Every report I've gotten has been a great hatch on top of a good carryover. Good luck to all.
I dont know what you talking about. There arent any chukar in Nevada, not a single bird. They all left and went to Cali. Hopefully it will keep them Californian's outta Nevada.
I agree. There aren't any chukar in Idaho or Oregon either. Haven't seen a single bird all year. You are wasting your time if you come here.
Yeah chuckar populations are down all over i live in SC Oregon and there has been very feel birds when i have went out... Who knows maybe next year
Well we got all the birds in Kali so move over Nevadans, here i come. Time for 3 three day hunts before the season's over. Man do i love that California celebrates Martin Luther King's birthday. More dead Chukar.
Anybody been getting into the chukar here in idaho? Saw quite a few in one area and ran into some more in another one of my areas wich I had never seen the suckers in before. However, heard the hatch wasn't so good this year. Any info?
I was kidding in my earlier post when I said there aren't any chukar in Idaho or Oregon. But in all honesty I would say the populations are down 30-40% from the last few years. I hunt chukar at least once a week, and I'm not seeing the numbers. Most of it is due to the extreme wet spring we had. Hard rains are bad news for chukars.

Also, chukar hunting has become more popular in the last few years due to all the housing development which has ruined pheasant hunting. I'm seeing more hunters in spots where I used to see very few people if anyone at all. News publications, poor pheasant hunting, more hunters, and most of all weather, are the reasons for lower numbers this year.

But a good pointer makes all the difference in the world!
In2, I've usually hunted Nv a dozen times by now but the populations been so good in Kali this year, I haven't left the state. Surprised to hear from you that you think the population is down this year in Nv. I agree with the pressure. Another thing that drives hunter numbers is numbers of birds. When the population is down for a few years, people stop hunting them.

Curious what type of dog you hunt over. I'm hunting a 10 year old German Wirehaired pointer. Might be her last year of all day hunts but I've probably taken over 1,000 birds (pheasant, quail, chukar) (176 in 04 alone) over her in her life so shes pretty much up on the game. Actually looking to get another wirehair or pointing griffon before next year. Good luck in the last month.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-06 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]I don't have any idea how the populations are doing in Nevada. I was talking about Idaho and Oregon. I have only hunted Nevada a couple of times. they claim to be the best state for chukar hunting, but I have no need to travel that far.

I hunt with a black and white English Pointer. Hunted with a GSP until he passed, decided to switch to an Engish Pointer. No reason, just that the GSP are so popular and backyard bred it drives me nuts. English Pointers are a little more selective breeding, more staunch on point , but tend to be field trial bred and run a lot more than shorthairs. I usually run my dog 2-3 miles before I start to hunt. I'll try to get some pictures of her posted in the next couple of weeks.
Hunted Chukars for the first time here in Washington this past weekend and did pretty well. Two cousins and I killed 14 Chuckars and 7 quail for the morning. Never done much upland hunting, but it is awesome shooting those little buggars.
Well when i went up in nevada they where kinda smart but there was TONS of rabbits EVERYWHERE

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