nevada bighorn sheep


Active Member
Does anyone know of anyone that killed a sheep in Nevada this year? I have heard of four 170 class rams and some 160 class rams taken. Sounds like it was a good year for sheep.
I saw that picture of that one. He sure was big. They killed two other ones in 253w that scored 170+ and the other two scored 168. I saw the checkout summary today. There sure was some nice sheep killed this year.
Jeez, I see 8 over 170. Four out of unit 263 over 170 ranging from 172 6/8 (Honker's) to 175 4/8. That's four out of thirteen rams killed in that unit over 170. Two thirds of the rest from that unit were over 160. Was a good sheep year in Nevada.
Which one? There were two, one killed a 145 2/8, hunted 8 days. The other killed a 152 7/8 and hunted 1 day.
I was told that a lady killed a 170 class california bighorn out of the blackrock range, and a friend's friend killed a mid 160 class there also and the governer's tag killed one in the mid 140's range. The rocky mountain bighorn that was killed on the cliff is the only one I have heard of so far.
How did the hunters in the Las Vegas Range (286) fare? Last year there were two booners taken there.
dwalton,I think they killed a 170 class ram in there but I can't remeber I have the checkout summary but it won't come up on my computer at home.

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