Nevada auction


Long Time Member
I heard on the radio this morning that on this day in 1864 the first auction in Nevada was held in Austin.

Can you guess what the first item to be auctioned off was?

The first person with the correct answer is cool.:)

I was going to say a night in the sack with one of the Local HOOKERS!!!!

But I do believe that it was a Sack of Flour!!!!

Does that mean I am cool now?????????
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-08 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]Well, that was fun. It's hard to stump the guys on MM!

A sack of flour is correct. When I heard it I thought maybe a canteen of water or a jack rabbit pelt.


NVBighorn was first to PM with the answer, so he is very cool!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-08 AT 07:07PM (MST)[p]It was the vaccine for the first thing given away free in the state of nevada.

They wanted the sack of flour to use on the extremely large hookers so ........oh nevermind, better not go there
Eelgrass I should win as I was the highest bidder then for that sack of flour. LOL I already had a gallon of cooking oil.


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