Nevada Antelope?



What do think is Nevadas best antelope unit for sheer numbers of trophy bucks?
personally i think they are all pretty good, its just a matter of getting out there and finding a hunny hole that nobody else hunts. 061-064,071,073 is a good unit for both trophy bucks and high numbers, plus its farily easy to draw. honestly, i havent found a bad unit in the state its just a matter of busting the sage.
I have 7 points and have been putting in for unit 33 and was looking at other options,Thanks
You asked about the best and 33 is it. You might be able to make 2 hunts before you draw 33 though. I would still use 33 as my first choice. The whole NW corner is good. 15 is a sleeper.
I always put in for 032,034 & 035 hunt. A guy I know killed a 86 2/8's there in 2005. I think any area in the northwest part of the state you have a good chance at killing a B&C antelope. They also made the season 5 days longer so now you have more time to hunt.
i ve spent thousands of hours afield all across NV and im convinced there are booner bucks in every area. its just a matter of getting out. as far as 15 being a sleeper, you must of been in the wrong spot because ive found some dandy bucks there.
My definition of a "sleeper" is a unit that has better quality then the draw odds would indicate. Unit 15 gets a 8.82 from I believe that means that for every chance in the draw, your odds would be multipled by 8.82. The way Nevada works, I don't think there is a true way to figure odds. If that were the case, my 4 points squared plus application would give me about 100% chance of drawing and I don't believe that. On the other hand, Unit 33 has a 1.00. No matter how they figure their odds, that would indicate that 15 is almost 9X's easier to draw. I too have spent time in 15 and that why I mentioned it.

Native, i hunted 32,34 & 35 in "92." Got him on my wall and I'd as soon draw that as 33 since i know it well after tagging along with a friend in "91" and hunting it in "92." Did my time out time and haven't drawn since but this could/should be the year.
Calielkslayer, I killed mine in 2000 in 034. Last year was my first year putting back in so I only have one point but my wife has five but we had to put in for points this year since we are having are first kid at the end of July.
Congrats on the young'um. Wish you the best of luck. Start looking at youth hunts before he/she turns 12 cause there are a lot of opportunities out there. Your state probably has one of the best programs but its for residents only so I couldn't participate. Hunter

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