Nevada 78, 105-107, 109 Late Season Rifle Elk


My daughter was lucky enough to draw this tag after 16 years of applying. Would love to hear from anyone who has experience in this area. Thanks in advance for any information!!
Hi, I found this post while researching, but now response to your post?!? I drew this unit this year and was hoping to chat with you about this area? Let me know. Thank you!
I also have this hunt so I’ve been doing my research. Is this a cow or bull hunt? Either way if before you post in a forum it’s generally PC to use the search function to see if your question could be already answered. Most times I find the same question is asked and answered multiple times. Then when you do have a valid question others are more likely to answer. It shows you’re doing your research and not just taking shortcuts. This is a good hunt, do plenty of google searches to find any and all info you can about the area, the animals and their patterns during that time of year. Send PMs to folks who’ve had answered these questions is the way to do it. Lots of great members here willing to help and have talked to some on the phone. Also look at NDOWs website they have info on every unit for each species.
Firedad is right on I think.

I would download OnX or other hunting apps to get a feel for the area and the terrain. Also, to look at access.

Then, I would read the biologist reports or look at the harvest data. This can tell you where people are harvesting.

Then, you can come up with more specific questions.

I have this hunt this year for an earlier cow tag and there is a wealth of resources if you do some digging.
I also have this hunt so I’ve been doing my research. Is this a cow or bull hunt? Either way if before you post in a forum it’s generally PC to use the search function to see if your question could be already answered. Most times I find the same question is asked and answered multiple times. Then when you do have a valid question others are more likely to answer. It shows you’re doing your research and not just taking shortcuts. This is a good hunt, do plenty of google searches to find any and all info you can about the area, the animals and their patterns during that time of year. Send PMs to folks who’ve had answered these questions is the way to do it. Lots of great members here willing to help and have talked to some on the phone. Also look at NDOWs website they have info on every unit for each species.
Thanks for the tip and advice Firedad. Appreciate it.
Firedad is right on I think.

I would download OnX or other hunting apps to get a feel for the area and the terrain. Also, to look at access.

Then, I would read the biologist reports or look at the harvest data. This can tell you where people are harvesting.

Then, you can come up with more specific questions.

I have this hunt this year for an earlier cow tag and there is a wealth of resources if you do some digging.
Thank you Coolio17. I found the biologist document and hopefully I’m able to connect directly with her to chat about some questions I have.
Looks like three have these units using my basic math skills! I hunted it last year for archery bull and have info on one of the five. Just send a DM and I'll be happy to answer any questions!
Updating post: I'm writing back on this thread to update everyone here that I was able to harvest an elk on the last day of the hunt! I received a lot of help from very nice people (including members of this forum) so I'd like to pay it forward. Feel free to reach out to me about these units; I ended up hunting in all 5 units. Camped in the mountains 10 days and hunted out of a hotel in Wells, NV the last 5 days.

Damn that is awesome!!! What a cool and unique bull, congratulations on such a great hunt. Send us a write up of the those units!
Very unique! Awesome bull congratulations and sounds like you got to enjoy and experience the whole hunt and units to the full amount.
His right side has a nub where the antler should be. Instead the antler grew out from the side of that nub.
Didn’t see a single elk or deer the first 9 days. Ran into other elk and deer hunters everyday and no one saw an animal. I missed on a nice 6x6 on day 11. Found out my gun was shooting 2 in right at 100 yards :(, probably from bouncing around in my ATV gun case. Day 12 I thought I saw an elk 1.5 miles away with my spotting scope then proceeded to hike 2.5 hrs towards (750 ft elevation drop) it to find that it was a tree stump. The hike back took 3.5 hrs in a snow storm. Then 1.5 hr ATV ride back to the truck to drive back to the hotel. It was the hardest part of the hunt for me. We went back out the next day 13 and our legs were noodles so we mostly sat and glasses all day. Didn’t see another elk until the last day when I found my elk. Found him at about 1500 yards in the flats and not high up in the mountains!!! He disappeared into timber so we circled towards him and glasses every 50 yards or so until I see a brown patch under a tree at 585 yards with my spotting scope. We were not sure it was an elk yet because there were wild horses everywhere in Nevada. We closed to 120 yards and my friend saw his legs and I saw his antlers at the same time. We confirmed it was our elk and tried to get into position of to a shot. Somehow he heard us and woke up and started to stare at me. I had to stay still for 5 long minutes. In less than 10 seconds he got up to walk away so I ended up taking the shot standing up from 120 yards. He ran towards the open terrain so I decided to run and circle around him to make sure I didn’t miss again! I ended up getting behind the elk and he didn’t even know I was there. He was still looking in the direction where I shot. I added a few more shots to make sure I got him until he went down. This is my 3rd elk but the first time I field processed him myself. It took me 4.5 long hrs! Good thing we were able to get the my friend’s car to it. Oh and in all the frenzy I had locked my keys in my truck so I ended up breaking the rear window to drive back haha. This trip really had everything.







Haha, what a rodeo! That's an elk hunt if I have ever heard one. Way to stick with it, staying in it mentally after that many days of not seeing elk can wear on a guy. Congrats!!
Dang FD, sorry to hear you weren't able to connect but glad you got to spend some time in the field with your son chasing bulls. I saw some of the pictures on another thread and it looks like you had plenty of fun regardless of the wind and cold. ----SS
Dang FD, sorry to hear you weren't able to connect but glad you got to spend some time in the field with your son chasing bulls. I saw some of the pictures on another thread and it looks like you had plenty of fun regardless of the wind and cold. ----SS
Wind and cold were fine. Running out of firewood would have made it less than though. My regret was allowing my job to consume me, not making the time to adjust my scope to shoot further than 100 yards. I had borrowed my brother-in-law’s rifle until he had to leave. The only shot opportunity I had was too far to shoot with my rifle. I tried so hard to take the time to dial in my gun but once again I let my job rule my life.
Wind and cold were fine. Running out of firewood would have made it less than though. My regret was allowing my job to consume me, not making the time to adjust my scope to shoot further than 100 yards. I had borrowed my brother-in-law’s rifle until he had to leave. The only shot opportunity I had was too far to shoot with my rifle. I tried so hard to take the time to dial in my gun but once again I let my job rule my life.
Sometimes simple honestly is the best medicine. glad to see you made it out and gave it a go, good memories regardless!

Nevada Hunting Guides & Outfitters

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Nevada Outfitters & Guides Association

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Urge 2 Hunt

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