nevada 252 desert sheep tag


Active Member
I can't believe I drew with only 4 points. I can't wait to start scouting soon I also drew a 031 muzz deer tag. It is going to be a fun year. Anyone know anything about 252?
Wow. Congratulations! Here I sit with 10 points going in to next year's draw.

Good luck and enjoy every minute of the planning, the hunt and then the memories.

You've drawn a VERY precious tag which some other hunters have sought for literally decades, without success.
Thanks you guys. They have killed some nice ones over the years in there. I didn't think I would draw so soon. I was hoping someone else that I know drew before me so I could go on the hunt and learn the area. Now I got to get down there soon. Any info from you guys would help.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-05 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]nvnative79, I sent you a PM.

Hey, was that area your first choice?
79, congrates, you certainly beat the odds. As have been noted lots of applicants have been putting in for decades (me included) hope you kill a big one but just enjoy.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
NVbighorn, Thank you for the PM. Reading that just helped me out alot. I have been looking alot at ndow's web site, and it looked like alot of hunters take a couple of days to kill one, so I was wondering if it was a tough hunt. I plan on taking the whole season off. And plan to some weekend scouting trips just to learn the area. Do you know who the biologist down there? I noticed that they gave four tags this year I hope it is a good thing. Thanks again.
It's been at three for a number of years since the big crash in the 90's. I wouldn't think four is too many but haven't been down there in a couple of years. Should mean things are looking good. Get yourself a good map and start studying. I wouldn't say it's a real tough hunt unless the weather gets you. All depends on where the sheep are and how picky you want to be.

So you didn't say if 252 was your first choice.
NVBighorn Yes it was my first choice. What do you mean if the weather gets me? I would like to kill a 162 ram so I could make the Nevada record book. I will kill a smaller one if a can't find a big one.
Congrats on a great tag!! I now have 9 points and lots of hope that someday I'll get lucky too.

Lupe Gallegos is a local sheep guide that knows the area as well as anyone and even if you don't want to hire a guide you might want to give him a call. When I drew a NV elk tag he offered to go to lunch with me and turned out to be a wealth of knowledge even though he knew I wasn't going to be using a guide. Might not hurt to call him (702)564-5002 or 234-5608.

Best of luck to you!

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