Nevada 012-014 antelope tag



Drew my second choice for antelope and would appreciate any help on the quality and numbers one might expect to see in the unit. Would like suggestions on guides that can judge speedy goats because I sure cannot. Please email me at [email protected] with any info. Much appreciated.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-06 AT 07:21PM (MST)[p]Congrats!!
One of the better areas in the state. Big country with tons of antelope. Had the tag last year, can't help with info on a guide, but feel free to email me any questions. Jason

I can't tell you exactly where to go since I am just about to draw this zone based on my points. But, I will tell you this, me and my buddy went up after the season to do some early coyote killing and eliminated several dogs. We saw 3 antelope bucks just driving in the truck that would make the book.....One real hog. I will tell you this....Do not shoot the first goat you see!.......Wait for at least 3 days then you have looked at several goats and will know what a hog is. Don't waste your time on a guide, just get a good map, or several and camp out. One word of caution, plan extra time to get there since the burning man festival clogs the main hwy......use the playa to make it faster to the hunting area......Good luck.

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