NeoCons = more big GOVERNMENT



Wow, Bush is proposing a completely new government buracracy, that includes MORE government employees, new rules, new authority, and more regulations.

What is conservative about that? So far, Bush and Reagan have built more big government and put the USA in more dept that any other political party . . .

So, what's conservative about what Bush is proposing?
I think you got the parties mixed up. Any one in CA. can tell you that it has been the Dems who have expanded the Gov. agencies and have passed more bills that pry into our daily lives or trys to regulate what we do on a daily basis.
The one exception to that is Arnold the terminator who is a democrat in wolf's colthing. I think marrying into the Kennedy family has warped his brain or Marie wears the pants. I say that knowing that the only good Kennedys, John and Bobby, were cut short in their political career.

I hope you're not defending bush on this bob, 1.7 trillion $ budget 7 years ago to 3 trillion $ now and several new agencies. Bush is NOT a conservative.

>I hope you're not defending bush
>on this bob, 1.7
>trillion $ budget 7 years
>ago to 3 trillion $
>now and several new agencies.
>Bush is NOT a conservative.


"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
I am not defending Bush, he is not conservative. I am trying to point out that when a GOP acts like a Dem. the Dems point fingers at him for doing what their party is famous for doing.
Voters in both parties need to throw out these people starting with their own party before they point fingers elsewhere.

>I am not defending Bush, he
>is not conservative. I am
>trying to point out that
>when a GOP acts like
>a Dem. the Dems point
>fingers at him for doing
>what their party is famous
>for doing.
> Voters
>in both parties need to
>throw out these people starting
>with their own party before
>they point fingers elsewhere.



Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
nice spin boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . .

Bush is proposing a new regulator for banks, complete with it's own new oversight board.

If that aint bigger government nothing is.

The point is, if youre against bigger government, which has always been the platform of the neocons and before that the republicans, you must conceded that Bush is not following the party platform by proposing more government and more regulations. . .

That's the point.

The dems always have supported regulations where necessary, what's new. . .
Hey big anyone here saying they like anything bush has done??

Tfinal wants us to get rid of one big spender and elect another which both Dem. candidates are. we will be having a new agency to oversee the new health & welfare program, the program to hand out aid to African countries and a few others.

>The dems always have supported regulations
>where necessary, what's new. .

And proposed and supported many more regulations where UNnecessary.
Liberals = More anti-gun, anti-hunting, tree huggin, dope smokin, wolf lovin, Hippies. HMMMMMMM???? I think I'll take a chance on stickin with the party that has served me a little better. Not much at times, but definatley better.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
You guys are amazing. You jump in bed with bush, but when the public decides he's a dork, you too dump him. What happened to all the Bush lovers around here?

I find it amusing that you guys cant deal with the fact that the party has lost its way, and Bush is the main reason for it. Never mind the dems in their issues, they are always up to something and mostly the MM comunity seems to think Bush is God, or in the very least walks on water.

So, he's NOT a republican, he's not a conservative so if you support him, what political party are you guys in?
Ransom isn't Bin Laden the numero uno terrorist? how's that one going?

You should say the party that attacked Iraq, if they wanted to kill terrorist they should have kept their eye on the ball.
Like many have said there are several things that we have stated that we did not like what Bush has done as far as the spending and goverment expansion.

However most everything else he has done has been in agreement with conservative principles.

There is not one politician that I have every agreed with 100% of what they have done and Bush is no different.

When you consider the alternative of the choices we had in 04 the country made the correct choice. See my post for what I am refering too.

T we know you would like to see the US go back to the 1800's but without the industrized nation we have become we could not offer all the socilized programs that you and Dude like so much.
And how many attacks have been made in our country since Iraq? How many before?
P.S. I don't believe you really are educated enough to recognize the threat to our country is from within.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-08 AT 01:31PM (MST)[p]>wow, talk about stick your foot
>in it,
>WHERES OBL??????????????????

He's running for president of the USA isn't he? Or is that just another muslim?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-08 AT 03:30PM (MST)[p]"Tfinal wants us to get rid of one big spender and elect another which both Dem"

show me where, in the last 40 years a dem spent MORE than reagan or bush - please. . . while youre at it, show us where they grew more government than Bush.

Also, show me where a dem ever has started war with another country that did not first attack us, show me where ANY U.S. president, dem or republican ever has violated the principals of being an American more than Bush, show us ONE singe republican ideal he holds, just one . . .

He's a NEO-Con, NOT a republican, and he's a piss-poor neocon at that just ask Gingritch. . .

Starting a war with Iraq was the most UN conservative thing ever possible. If you dont understand why, you have no business calling yourself conservative. . .

hum, lets see, other non conservative Bush Policies include, dubai port deal, perscripsion drugs, open boarders, shall I go on? Okay, here I go, new law to regulate political speech, issued protectionist taxes on imported steel and lumber, backed big-spending education and farm bills, endorsed massive new entitlements for mental health care, try to tell people who they can have sex with and who dies and who lives, okay that's enough.

But here's the real kicker, when the numbers are added up, in fact, it looks like President Bush is less conservative than President Clinton.
Come on viking what's now on going with the dem party is par for the course, where have you been for the past 30 years?

Your arguments are getting downright making no sense that it is a waste of time to argue with your reasoning. Just cause Bush is a big spender does not make the intire party that way. In fact McCain has been noted to object to outlandish spending and has taken heat from other members of Congress because of it, members of both parties. Your two candidates have never taken that heat from both parties, just the reverse.
As for going to war, if certain wimpy democrat presidents had more of a backbone, Carter and Clinton are good examples, it may have not gotten to the point of a GOP president having to make that decision due to his predecessor's failing to stop the problem in their term in office. John Kennedy was the last good democrat president who had a backbone, and if you remember that far back, he nearly started world war 111 with Russia over the missles in Cuba. It got so close that the intire military was put on full war alert standby. I guess you forgot about that.
As for the democrats, we may not have to worry about such a little thing as too much spending. The democrats are on a crash course of distroying this country from within.
A democrat from S. CA. sponsered a bill that will force the school system to allow COMMUNISM to be taught in the school system to our kids. The bill went before the schools panel committee. Even though their was a majority of citizens opposing the idea, the committee passed it on. Every liberal democrat on that committe voted yes for it, the three GOP members opposed it.
Tfinal you can keep your damn socialists party, I want nothing to do with them and how they are going to "CHANGE" this country!!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-08 AT 09:07AM (MST)[p]look you can say what you want about me, but the truth is the truth, Bush and the republican party = more big spending and a bigger government, every time, show me where I'm wrong in the past 50 years, please. . .

That was the point of the post. . .

As per teaching communism, i prefer that my children learn, in schools about all major forms of government. I would rather have my children taught the facts about governance and make up their own minds, than I would have them fail through ignorance, and repeat history . . . particularly in light of the past 7 years. It is possible that we will fail our own society if we dont teach other forms of government. Just look at GWB, he's about as far from the intent of the constitution as any president ever in the history of our country. I think we need to learn about all forms of government, if for no other reason, so that we can spot leaders like GWB that desire to ruin our nation by ignoring he constitution and accumulating power in a central source - in this case, the presidency. He's as farm from what the founders intended as any man ever to hold the office. Thomas Jefferson is likely rolling in his grave. . .

In addition, you pointed out one of the biggest differences between thinkers and followers, you want to endoctranate everyone to follow you and your mentality, I want people to learn and make up their own minds. . . this also is the difference between the two parties, dems trust people to think, in fact we want to teach more people about more of the world in order to help avoid making the horrible mistakes of the past, the neocons say, "just do as I say" and want to force feed us their/your values. . . oh yea, I want the government telling me and my wife how long I can live, if that aint forcing big government into my home nothing else matters anymore.

please if you want to reply make some sense and address, for your party the issues. . .
In reality T both parties are big spenders. Both parties are marching towards Scocialism. It is our fault. We elect the bums.
The Dems want our money for nanny state services. The republicans want our money to fight a war and bail out failed businesses and home owners. In my opinion both reasons suck. Both parties suck. However the lesser of two evils at this point is the Republican party. I wish we had a Libertarian running.
The best we can do is vote for the most true conservative candidate at this point. There are too many folks that would like to live like the French in this country, and they are voting!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

I agree that this proposed new agency is total BS. But in this case I believe it is the American people who are to blame. "We" wanted government to "fix" the mortage crisis. The Government intervened in the banking system. The Fed propped up a bank in order to avert a crisis of confidence. Taxpayers are being asked to bail out both greedy lenders and dumb borrowers there is no way that much money can be given away without more oversight and more regulation.

That is why the Fed and Government should have never gotten involved directly in the Mortgage mess. I do blame GWB for proposing such a stupid thing but I blame the American people for thinking the government can fix the economy. This is the natural conclusion.

true enough, but since when has GW or the congress listen to the people?

Let me get this straight, GW and the congress listen to the people when it's a few mortgages and some stupid people who got in over their heads, (republicans are the party of self responsibility) but completely ignore the people when it comes to death of 4000 of your men and women, and 50,000 maimed and wounded?

I guess if you say so. . .
Those are different issues and you are WAY over simplifying what I said. Look at what is in the media during this election year, how much is news on Iraq and how much is the Mortgage mess.

I think GW and Congress live by the Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules. They are running scared that the economy will collapse in on itself. They, being both GWB's administration and congress will live with the war long before they let the American people endure anything approaching economic pain in an election year. Sad but true. The bill is coming due for such actions and cost will be far higher then it would have been had GWB and congress stayed out of it.

sad thing is nemont, youre right, and until the war kills your kid, or your cousin, or your husband or father, or you have to start writing a "mortgage" check to pay for it, most dont give a damn!

in terms of the public, the differences between the war and the mortgage issues are money in the bank (your bank), and corperate cronisum. . .

Given that the war is not a direct cost, and most dont know anyone in the war let along have family there, it dont mean a thing. . .

And the media, they are no help. Heck the administraion made it illegal to show flag draped coffins on the news and it also is not okay to talk about the costs of the war. . . the media is also a complete failure. . .

That is why I opposed bailing out Bear Stearns, I think the Fed has set a stupid and bad precedent by orchestrating the deal. No such bail out would be coming my way if I cannot make the mortgage payments on my conventional mortgage.

I have not lost a loved one but have had many serve, my brother is headed back for the third time. I just flew from Spokane with a young man who had been wounded in Iraq and he was going home to Billings. Made my eyes tear up talking to him.

I hate where we are right now in this country. I also don't believe that any of the current candidates are going "help" the situation much.


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