Neocon-to-English Dictionary



Neocon-to-English Dictionary

Alternative energy sources /n./ New locations to drill for gas and oil.

bankruptcy /n./ A means of escaping debt available to corporations but not to poor people.

burning bush /n./ A biblical allusion to the response of the President of the United States, when asked a question by a journalist who has not been paid to inquire about non-issues.

Cheney, ##### /n./ The greater of two evils.

class warfare /n./ Any attempt to raise the minimum wage.

climate change /n./ Progress toward the blessed day when the blue states are swallowed by the oceans.

compassionate conservatism /n./ Poignant concern for the very wealthy.

creation science /n./ Pseudo-science that claims George W. Bush's resemblance to a chimpanzee is totally coincidental.

DeLay, Tom /n./ Past tense of De Lie.

extraordinary rendition /n./ Outsourcing torture.

faith /n./ The belief that the Beatitudes (statements made by JC) include "Blessed are the rich" and "Blessed are the war makers".

free markets /n./ Halliburton no-bid contracts at taxpayer expense.

girly-men /n./ Males who neglect opportunities to grope unwilling women.

God /n./ Senior presidential adviser.

growth /n./ 1. The justification for tax cuts for the rich. 2. What happens to the national debt when policy is made according to Definition 1.

healthy forest /n./ No tree left behind.

honesty /n./ Lies told in simple declarative sentences (e.g., ? Freedom is on the march ?).

House of Representatives /n./ Exclusive club; entry fee: $1 million to $5 million (See: Senate).

insanity /n./ See: staying the course.

laziness /n./ When the poor are not working.

leisure time /n./ When the wealthy are not working.

liberal(s) /n./ Followers of the Antichrist.

No Child Left Behind /riff./. There are always jobs in the military.

ownership society /n./ 1. A civilization where 1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth. 2. A political system in which all power is in the hands of the owners.

Patriot Act /n./ 1. Pre-emptive strike on American freedoms to prevent the terrorists from destroying them first. 2. The elimination of one of the reasons why they hate us.

pro-life /adj./ Valuing human life up until birth.

Senate /n./ Exclusive club; entry fee: $10 million to $30 million.

simplify /v./ To cut the taxes of Republican donors.

staying the course /interj./slang./ Continuing to perform the same actions and expecting different results (See: insanity).

stuff happens /interj./slang./ I don't have to live in Baghdad.

voter fraud /n./ A significant minority turnout.

woman /n./ 1. Person who can be trusted to raise a child but can't be trusted to decide whether or not she wishes to have a child. 2. Person who must have all decisions regarding her reproductive functions made by men with whom she wouldn't want to have sex in the first place.
Now that is some funny stuff, if it weren't true it would be even better.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Boom! Here it comes P.M me which Neocon on this site will reply to this post first.
There's another definition for LIBERAL.....A person who's so open minded their brains have fallen out :)
Wow, that was bitter.

You forgot a couple.

Bitter-- one having concern that tax dollars defered to the welfare system might be occasionally abused. May also be used to describe jealousy felt by the same people concerned about abuses. This term need not apply to anyone living subpar to another who has invested time, money, and sweat equity to become a doctor, buisness owner, or anyone who generally makes more money than them. (yes I know.... I used bitter improperly to describe your post)

Freedom of Choice-- The right of a woman to sleep with whomever she chooses, whenever she chooses, anyplace she chooses, and be able to shirk the responsibility of the consequence of that choice when she becomes pregant by snuffing out the life of her unborn baby anytime prior to it taking its maiden voyage down the birth canal as a means of birth control.

Alternative engergy--a term with exculsive rights to the left who may at will legislate mandates that require zero emmisions vehicles with the assumption that if you legislate it they will exist. This term does not apply to anything nuclear as it would be a viable solution for many problems.

Stratigic Intel--The intangible information that was at our disposal to foresee the attacks on U.S. interests and soil that may be abstractly taken out of the atmosphere without any investigations involving phone lines ect. It should be known that air pollution caused by oil and other industries may cloud the ability to observe and extract this information.

Wealthy--Those who are completely insensitive to others, greedy, have too much money and have generally done nothing positive in life to warrant their compensation. One may be exempt from this description if you name is George Soros or certain Kennedy's.

Compassionate--Term used to describe the nobel efforts of people who help others with a third persons assets. It should be noted that if you do positive things for others with your own money and time it is NOT compassion.

Fair--The doctrine that mandates living standards of life must be the same for the person who spends 15 years of his/her life devoting time to study and sacrifice in such things as medical school should earn no more than the stoner in high school who's only achievement was being disruptive to those who were there to actually learn.

Fool-- One who does not whole heartedly trust his goverment with all life decisions and is still stuck on the historical tales of 9 to 11 million Jews betrayed by their own government.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
This whole McCain GOP meltdown thing is like blood in the water.

Go in for the kill! LOL!

1911 , isn't it great how the neocons have lost all credibility and nobody cares what they have to say anymore? what did you say again nobody was listening? Eel has it figured out.
Apparently you are my friend. :)

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
For ignoring me you're not doing a very good job dude.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
No, now to fail to acknowledge you as a person would be rude like a neocon might do. I just don't care about your opinions or how you plan on pushing them on me, there is a difference you see.
Surely you can do better than that.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
That's the nice thing about being in the group who's happy with the prospects of where we're going, you're the one who has to do better. the Bush Bunnies are being eaten up and the few survivors are hopping around in a panic, these are good times.

Like FTW says the moral majority is losing it's grip on the republican party and we will get back to a realistic and practical mindset, get the bible thumpers out of politics and back preaching on the street corners where they can be ignored. I feel very confident I'll have a decent candidate in the republican party to vote for in 2012, it's all good.
A neoconservative (colloquially, neocon) is former liberal who calls himself a conservative. Neoconservatives favor globalism, downplay religious values, and often disagree with conservatives on key social issues like abortion and homosexuality. Neoconservatives oppose appointing Supreme Court Justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. Neoconservatives place their highest domestic priority on opposing affirmative action while silently opposing social conservatives on moral issues. On foreign policy, neoconservatives believe that democracy can and should be installed by the United States around the world, even in Muslim countries such as Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.

Neoconservatives are frequently presented by the media as "conservatives" rather than as the "neoconservatives" that they are.

A cynical view of neoconservatives is they lack any chance for power within the Democratic Party or among liberals, who have many experienced, educated influence-seekers. Neoconservatives have an easier time reaching powerful positions by coming over to the Republican Party, much as other former Democrats (e.g. Michael Bloomberg) became Republicans to advance their personal ambition.

Good one T :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
1. fine, it should have read "Republican"
2. what's Gingrich, both Bush I and II, Porhoretz and Regan? if you dont consider them neocons, you lack any real understanding of your party, and the history of politics.
"if you dont consider them neocons, you lack any real understanding of your party, and the history of politics."

Jeez T chill bro you sound like you are about to pop! :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

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