Nemont the system at work.


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I hope this guy prevails

Career Army man to challenge Murtha
The Tribune-Democrat

After nearly three decades in the military, William T. Russell?s latest mission has brought him to Johnstown.

The career Army man, just two years short of retirement, has left the service and moved to the Flood City in order to mount a political campaign against veteran Democratic U.S. Rep. John Murtha.

As a Republican and first-time candidate facing a powerful congressman in the sprawling, Democrat-dominated 12th Congressional District, Russell faces a tough challenge.

But he is determined to press ahead and will formally announce his candidacy within weeks.

?I recognize this is an uphill battle,? Russell said in an interview last week at The Tribune-Democrat.

?But it's one that must be fought.?

Murtha, who declined any comment on Russell?s candidacy when contacted through a spokesman last week, has served in the House since 1974.

The 75-year-old is known for bringing money and jobs ? especially in the defense sector ? to his district, and last year he became chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

But Murtha?s repeated calls for a military withdrawal from Iraq and his criticism of the Bush administration have spurred a backlash among conservatives.

Republican Diana Irey, a Washington County commissioner, tried to capitalize on that sentiment during her 2006 campaign against Murtha. But the congressman cruised to victory.

Russell, 45, is betting on a different result next year. He readily acknowledges that he moved to Johnstown from the Washington, D.C., area specifically so that he could run in the 12th District.

Murtha is a decorated Vietnam War veteran. But Russell also has extensive military credentials.

Born on an Air Force base in Newfoundland, Canada, Russell?s long Army and Army Reserve career includes duty in the Balkans and in both Iraq wars.

Russell and his wife, Kasia, were in the Pentagon when a hijacked jetliner crashed into the building on Sept. 11, 2001. They escaped unharmed.

While Murtha?s encounters with wounded soldiers have solidified his stance on Iraq, Russell said a similar encounter left him with the opposite impression: To withdraw from Iraq, he argues, would render the sacrifices of those soldiers pointless.

?I think Mr. Murtha is just flat-out wrong,? Russell said.

The Republican also cites, as Irey did, Murtha?s public accusation that U.S. Marines murdered innocent civilians in the Iraq town of Haditha in 2005.

The congressman, Russell contends, is ?playing right into the hands of this enemy.?

On his Web site, Russell takes that line of thought a step further and attempts to raise the stakes for next year?s election.

?In this war against Islamic radicalism, the political battle of the 2008 election in the Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District is a critical turning point,? he said.

Russell?s platform is not limited to the Iraq issue.

He seeks to turn a long history of substantial economic clout against Murtha, arguing that the congressman is an ?extreme practitioner of cronyism? who has not created long-term, sustainable jobs in this area.

As a small-business owner who operates an ATM company, Russell says he wants to help create a local economy that is more dependent on the free market ? while also acknowledging that some jobs may be lost if governmental contracts disappear.

?A lot of folks have gotten very, very dependent on this ?pork? structure,? Russell said.

Russell still has significant hurdles to clear before he can legitimately challenge Murtha. Political support is one issue.

It is not yet clear whether Russell will have any primary-election opposition from within his party. Irey last week would say only that she is focused on her current campaign for Washington County commissioner.

Russell has met with local Republican leaders, who are not wading into the Murtha race just yet.

?Right now, we're focused on the Nov. 6 election,? said Ann Wilson, Cambria County Republican Committee executive director. ?It's too early to comment on the 2008 election.?

Adequate fundraising also is a concern, though Russell said he hopes to buttress campaign cash with significant grassroots support.

?There?s a lot of folks who might not have a whole lot of money to throw at a campaign but can donate some time and effort,? he said. ?And I'm getting a lot of those types of promises.?

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
He's got a tough road ahead of him beating Murtha. but you're right, if you don't like someone take them out at the voting booth.
As much as our system sucks at times it is the best man has been able to come up. Also I trust the American people to eventually vote in leaders to get things right. What is that Abe Lincoln said,"The beauty of the office of President is that no man can do permanent harm in just eight short year".

Murtha needs to get a wake up call and it is probably time for him to go. I guess the voters in his district will decide.

Did you see that the Dems are going to cut the House's work week down to four days a week? Must have accomplished all they plan on.

>As much as our system sucks
>at times it is the
>best man has been able
>to come up. Also
>I trust the American people
>to eventually vote in leaders
>to get things right.
>What is that Abe Lincoln
>said,"The beauty of the office
>of President is that no
>man can do permanent harm
>in just eight short year".
>Murtha needs to get a wake
>up call and it is
>probably time for him to
>go. I guess the
>voters in his district will
>Did you see that the Dems
>are going to cut the
>House's work week down to
>four days a week?
>Must have accomplished all they
>plan on.

They're short of members since most are in court or in jail.
Why not close down the bars in DC and give them less options?

"Did you see that the Dems are going to cut the House's work week down to four days a week? Must have accomplished all they plan on."

Yes I did. Insane. First off they wont/can't accomplish a da gum thing and yet they need shorter work they can do even less.............the Dems are unreal.

What should be funny is to see how many of the moron Dems that jumped ship over the war want back on. Now that the war is in short reach of a full on victory.............I said a long time ago on this board that the Dems are going to end up on the wrong side of history..........looks like I should be proved correct.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Please difine victory? the most stabile region in Iraq is about to be attacked by the Turks, the Iraqi government is fragmented as bad as ever. does victory mean if chaos persist long enough it becomes a way of life that's accepted?

What dems are wanting to claim the war as their cause all the sudden? do you ever think about what you say? just because it seems real to you doesn't make it so.

Do you give Pelosi any credit for pissing off the turks here recently ??

She did, she's an idiot. what she did wasn't wrong, but the timing was dumb.

At the same time why should the Turks accept Kurd terrorist from Iraq killing them? we attacked Iraq on the off chance they may someday do something to us but beg the Turks not to strike back at terrorist a mile away from them.

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