

Long Time Member
My neighbors had to move from him being out of work for the last 6 months. Well when they stopped on the corner to say goodbye their 3 mutts came running up. I asked if they were coming back for the dogs they sped away..... Guess not. The 3 dogs are a little aggressive, uncut males that can jump my wood fence into my backyard.

Well I called animal control and helped him catch 2 of the 3. We set a trap for him. I know they haven't been fed for a little over a week so we might catch him.

It really pisses me off that people are that irresponsible! They couldve stopped at the pound on the way out of town! Ok rant over.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

At least they stopped by to say goodbye.....Sorry, had to say it. Really, what they did sucks!
Had the same thing happen around here only it was a cat they left and a divorce that caused the neighbors to move. Dang thing had nowhere to go and sorta adopted our house. My wife did not have the heart to take it to the pound so now we have an extra orange cat.
I live in the country, but pretty close to town. I can't tell you how many cats get dropped off at my place. I watch people stop and chuck their cat(s) out all the time.

Thank goodness for the .22LR.

I'm with you Eel. Told my wife I was gonna shoot a "dropoff" the other day. Saw her watching out the window as I peeped around the garage and took aim-thought nothing of it. When I fired the .17 HMR I heard her squeal. She thought I had the pellet gun I keep by the door and was going to watch him jump and run away.

He no jump and he no run.....
"He no jump and he no run..... "



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

A cat is one thing but 3 dogs are a whole different deal!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

I hate it when that crap happens. The other day the exact same thing happened to my neighbor. He didn't have a dog. So he left his wife. Poor thing looked like she hadn't been fed for a few days. She was such a young thing 30 or so. I felt for her and she liked it! She purrs alot when I rub her belly.
Snuggles up to me like I was her master. Best I can tell she is already trained! She knows a lot of one word commands.

> I hate it when
>that crap happens. The
>other day the exact same
>thing happened to my neighbor.
> He didn't have a
>dog. So he left his
>wife. Poor
>thing looked like she hadn't
>been fed for a few
>days. She was such a
>young thing 30 or so.
> I felt for
>her and she liked it!
> She purrs alot when
>I rub her belly.
>Snuggles up to me like I
>was her master. Best I
>can tell she is already
>trained! She knows a lot
>of one word commands.
> Rutnbuck

ROLFLMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is some funny chit right there...
don't think my wife would let me have a pet like that around here....She'd shoot the stray...even if I was in the way...

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