"Needle in a Haystack" Sheds


Very Active Member
Just wanted to share a "needle in a haystack" experience...and a whole lotta luck shed hunt: In December, I was driving around in a particular area when I saw a nice buck persuing a doe; thought I'd try to get close for a video. It was a pretty wide-open sage covered area where the deer move back and forth from water to PJ cover, and I actually followed them for half a mile or more, never closing for any video. well, two months later and a couple of snowstorms have passed, I was out driving around, I remembered that particular area. I began hiking up a few ridges, where I even found a couple of old "whiteys" to my surprise. after a few hours, I decided to walk out a wash...noting that there didn't appear to be much sign of deer track,so I didn't expect to find anything. BUT, to my amazement I found one "brownie" shed, and a few minutes later what was a decent three-point not 30 feet away. It's a bit of an odd shaped rack, even appears not to be a match, but I think it's from that very buck I encountered that day!Not a great find, but for me a very rewarding experience! Hunting...always an adventure! :)

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