need some hints on field scoring sheep!



I really have never spent anytime with sheep, just started applying all over the place, but in utah I have 8 points. I just want to learn some tips on hot to filed judge curl length and mass. Like how you can use a muleys ear to somewhat judge spread. Any help would be awesome thanks!
Overall your mass is what gives you score on sheep. Length helps but look for a ram that carries his mass out. Sheep can be differnt from unit to unit. For example SanJuan rams horns tend to flare out away from the skull, the horns may look shorter when looking at them from the side than they actually are.
The best thing to do is look at as many rams as possible and put a tape on them yourself. Visit taxidermy shops messure rams, find out where they were killed,keep some notes. Most class 4 rams in a particular unit will have very close to the same horn base. So look for one that carries that mass out from his base has a curl dropping even with or below the jaw line and starts to tip up.
Also there is a big difference in Rockys and deserts. Not sure what your applying for. Rockys have a bigger body than deserts and I tend to under judge them having spent most my time hunting desert sheep.
Since sheep tend to be few in numbers the best thing you can do while hunting is scout the unit hard and kill the biggest ram you find and be dam happy you had the chance to hunt sheep!
Also if you draw a tag you should get hold of a couple sheep whores to go with you! HINT..
$ 29.95

ADVANCED FIELD JUDGING NORTH AMERICAN WILD RAMS is designed to teach the hunter how to judge wild North American sheep in the field, including horn length, mass and B&C score. This video covers rams of all sizes, living in many areas. It carries on where FIELD JUDGING NORTH AMERICAN WILD RAMS left off. Look at rams that were seen and judged in the field. Hear accutal narration on how rams were judged in the wild, including several that were later shot. Your ability to judge will be tested on many bighorn and thinhorn rams. Benefit from formulas And charts developed by Duncan Gilchrist.
thanks guys I will also be on a dall sheep hunt in 06, I just made a connection in alaska. I've always wanted to hunt sheep but never had the means until now. I can judge elk with the best of them, I just made a new elk hunting video out of utah, called Utahs Raging bulls. So they are my true love but I went on a desert sheep hunt in nevada last year where my friend shot the new state record their. That hooked me for life. I have 8 points in utah for big horns, where are you guys from? and where have you guys hunted sheep?
"I went on a desert sheep hunt in nevada last year where my friend shot the new state record their"

I am from Arizona were we are fortunate to have both Desert and Rocky Mountain Sheeps. We also have an organization out of Phoenix called the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society. if you are lucky enough to draw a tag in our state the ADBSS along with the AZ Game & Fish Dept. teaches a class at there awards ceromony sometime around Oct. I suggest you contact them on when there next class is. It is very informative for hunters of all skill levels and you will meet some of the best sheep hunters around.
yah I don't recall the score but Jim Marques of bull Ridge Guide Service shot the ram. I only went for 2 days with them but was not there on the kill I should have clarified that. But he told me it was the new state record. Those guys truly are at least in my opinion some of the best at getting exceptional animals on the ground.
I may be wrong but I thought Marques' ram was a Rocky, not a desert. Which year was it, 2003? What area? I know those guys have had a couple of sheep tags in the family the last few years.
The NV ram must have been Jim's in 2003 like NVBIGHORN stated. There were NO Marques' in 2004 that drew ANY sheep tags. Jim did draw a Unit 161 Mule Deer tag.
All of this info is viewable on


I think we shared some of those photo's, didn't we? I believe it was a Rocky mtn sheep.

Your right it was a bighorn not a dessert. Amd I meant last year being the year prior to last season. I subguide for them just for elk in the later months and like I just said I'm now just getting into sheep. But I do know that Jim saw another sheep he felt was a bit bigger than the one he ended up harvesting, how much biggger I do not know. I love to bow hunt and would love to kill my utah with a bow, I've heasrd of flagging what do you guys think of that or other methods to kill sheep with a bow.

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