Need some help with Idaho hunting


Active Member
I am a utah bowhunter and Utah is really screwing up their deer management. I am going to start coming to Idaho with my 2 sons to hunt. I dont know if we will have the money to do it next year, but could someone please help me on a few questions...

1 - Can we (my sons and I) apply as a group?
2 - Can we apply to just buy a preference point for deer or elk? In case we dont have the money for the tag and travel
3 - When is the soonest we can apply/buy a point and what is the deadline?

If anyone has any advice, helpful info, or can point me in the right direction to start studying and help me out I would appreciate it. We have never been out there and I dont really know where to start looking.

Anyway, PM me if you are kind enough to help me find an area to start looking at. I can exchange a LOT of deer/elk knowledge for bow and rifle hunters wanting to come to utah or if you have points for utah.

Thanks guys
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-10 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]Start by reading the Regulations..

just skimming it for a few minutes would reveal that you and your two sons can put in as a group for ANY LE hunt you want... And in the event that you do not draw the LE tags refered to as controlled hunts in idaho, you could get general season tags good for most of the state, and either whitetail or mule deer or just whitetail depending on which tag you get.

A few minutes would also reveal that there is NO point system in Idaho. A few more minutes searching this very fourm would show that this is a hot topic issue...

You wanna come to Idaho and hunt with your kids, then do it. good luck, there are plenty of deer and elk here.

PS I think Non resident tags went on sale yesterday.
The regs are online. Idaho Fish And Game...
Too many people in Utah. There will be 30 million people along the Wasatch front by 2050 according to predictions. And Idaho has been mismanaged too. It's not like the old days by any means. Go out and try to locate a big buck. It's no easy task.
Luckily our winters are so long and severe many people can't get their women to move here. LOL
Wise guy or what?

I searched and you posted on every state the same post. Are you stirring pots ot really want easy info on all the states? Or are you a mega hunter?
Just curious here.
RE: Wise guy or what?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-10 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p]I have never hunted a state outside of Utah. I have two young sons and I bowhunt antlerless elk and bucks in utah every year. It takes 15 years to draw a big bull tag here. Today, utah legislators decided to cut 13k tags in utah every year. They also changed Utah to 29 micro units and basically the whole state is now LIMITED entry.

I am quite upset about what the state government in utah has done for the deer herds and the hunting opportunity in my state. I am fed up with it. So I am NOW researching the hunting in some states surrounding me.

And TO CLARIFY I did not post this in every other state. i only posted it in the states that I have either driven through and seen to be beautiful (Montana, idaho, Wyoming) or are close (new mexico and nevada).

those are the only 5 states I am looking into. I would like to start purchasing a point in those 5 states (if they all sell them). My hope is that one year I could hunt Colorado and get points in the other 4 states. The next year I could hunt Idaho, etc.

If this is frowned upon I apologize. I am certainly not a mega hunter. heck, I am not even a trophy hunter. I just love the mountains and I am ready to start backpacking into some parts of the rocky mountains I have never seen before.

And I am pissed off at utah.

Also, I OFFERED to exchange similar information for Utah hunting regs, points, deer, elk, all of which I am an expert on. Its called give and take. If someone would rather not spend hours trying to learn Utahs system then i could very easily email a quick summary. I was hoping for the same regarding Idaho, MT, Wyo, NM, and NV.
RE: Wise guy or what?

You can apply as a group.
No points in Idaho.
If you don't draw, buy a license/tags and come hunt general season. Odds of killing a trophy are slim(but not unreasonable) you stand a good chance at a decent bull or buck. You and your sons would have a blast I'm sure.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
RE: Wise guy or what?

Wow, its as though you asked for someones honeyhole. this is a Hunting Forum isent it? Why are some guys so quick to jump on a guy for asking general hunting questions? Lighten up Francis!
RE: Wise guy or what?

Haha no $hit. We can't have you nonresidents coming here and spending $300+ on a deer tag to support our big game herds... That's just unacceptable. Poor fella probably thinks ID is full of a$$hole hunters now.
RE: Wise guy or what?

I got NO problem with him huting in Idaho. In fact I would tell him hunt areas and drainages. The problem is game populations. If nothing is there a guy will spend 3000 dollars fast and I am going to say the odds of success is slim to none. Ron
RE: Wise guy or what?

What do you mean "nothing is there?" What is it with everyone thinking ID is so bad off. Idaho just came off a banner year of mule deer hunting. Anyway, sounds like this guy is a meat hunter, obviously not looking for a trophy animal for he and his boys. They just want oppurtunity, and Idaho has it! Why would you discourage him from hunting here? By your argument, our big game pops are much better off if we have people hunting than not, because we're generating money. Everything from the license/tag to the box of shells he'll buy goes directly to better management. Herds will suffer more if they are not hunted because the $$ won't be there for state agencies. Hunters drastically over-estimate the level of influence they have on our big game pops anyway. They think you can fix everything by altering disturbance, reducing/increasing harvest, ect. BUT, they are entirely wrong! Harvest plays such a minor role in the health of our herds, if anything harvest benefits them. How about taking a look at the large-scale habitat degradation going on across the state?? No one ever mentions that, because hunters think they're playing God.
RE: Wise guy or what?

I am not pissed off, though it came across that way. I like to tease a little and find out what people are thinking. Idaho has some game, and people get a tag, they are welcome. :)
RE: Wise guy or what?

>What do you mean "nothing is
>there?" What is it with
>everyone thinking ID is so
>bad off. Idaho just came
>off a banner year of
>mule deer hunting. Anyway, sounds
>like this guy is a
>meat hunter, obviously not looking
>for a trophy animal for
>he and his boys. They
>just want oppurtunity, and Idaho
>has it! Why would you
>discourage him from hunting here?
>By your argument, our big
>game pops are much better
>off if we have people
>hunting than not, because we're
>generating money. Everything from the
>license/tag to the box of
>shells he'll buy goes directly
>to better management. Herds will
>suffer more if they are
>not hunted because the $$
>won't be there for state
>agencies. Hunters drastically over-estimate the
>level of influence they have
>on our big game pops
>anyway. They think you can
>fix everything by altering disturbance,
>reducing/increasing harvest, ect. BUT, they
>are entirely wrong! Harvest plays
>such a minor role in
>the health of our herds,
>if anything harvest benefits them.
>How about taking a look
>at the large-scale habitat degradation
>going on across the state??
>No one ever mentions that,
>because hunters think they're playing

+ 1000!

See Switchback, GSJ ain't so bad.......

Ron I really don't get you. Why so negative all the time? Idaho has some problems but it's not close to as bad as you seem to think it is.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
RE: Wise guy or what?

Im glad IdahoRon has no problem with me hunting in Idaho. If he DID I obviously would not come, since its clearly up to him.

I would say I am more of a meat hunter than a trophy hunter. But more than a meat hunter I am an outdoorsman. I could just come there and camp for a week, but there is nothing like backpacking into the wild away from road hunters and KNOWING that there could be a big buck over the next ridge.

Nonresident fees are a big benefit to wildlife and therefore to hunters as well. I know here in Utah, we REALLY need to improve our deer habitat. It will take millions of dollars to do so. I am pretty sure the federal government has bigger problems than Utahs mule deer habitat. So we generate those funds through charging nonresident hunters 10x the amount that we charge resident hunters.

I am looking for a beautiful place to hunt in Idaho. A place where I will see deer, have a good time, not see many people, and maybe tag a decent buck with my bow.
RE: Wise guy or what?

Bring your money and your kids I don't care. Unit 39 is a great unit. The Queens river is a back country area that has deer and elk. You should have a great time there. Unit 43 is a unit where you should find a good buck. Look into the big peak area if you want back country hunting.
When the numbers come out you will see that success % will be about the same as any other year. What you won't see is the total number of hunters in the field is dropping like a rock because the VALUE is not there. Most of these missing hunters are non-residents.
A 16-year-old kid I know shot a two point on a late season 47 buck tag. They hunted for 8 days and never saw a buck larger than a 20" 4 point. On the last day he shot a 2-point to fill his tag. I got to the camp the next day to help and learned he had taken the two point. I went out the next day to help him to find a cow elk. I saw a hand full of deer and no bucks. That was nov 27th. I know that unit 47 used to be a trophy deer unit 20 years ago. Some will say they have had fires that wiped out the unit. Yes they have. But the seer hunting there was gone before the fires.
SO I talked to the local taxidermist. I asked him what he is seeing. He said this year is going to be poor at best. A local meat cutter told me that the number of deer coming to him is down by over 50%. I spent my time in unit 46 this year. I know this unit is not a big time deer area but I have had good luck finding a buck here and there. I saw 14 does no bucks, no fawns. Many guys I am talking to are saying the same thing. Where are the deer?
How else can we get something changed if we don't speak up. If we bury our heads in the sand and keep hoping that things will get better they won't. The mule deer initiative is a program to help bring back mule deer. If they are doing so well as some say why is this program there? Why is it failing? Accepting what we have is not in my opinion not the way to go. I want better. I want what we had 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. Some older men than me might say that they want to see it like it was 20 to 30 years ago.
Someone said it is habitat and no one talks about it. BS!!!!
Habitat is ALL that is being talked about. RMEF has been all about the habitat for years and all those they were increasing habitat the elk numbers in many units was dropping. Look for your self?s. Look at elk tag numbers for unit 43. Look at late season buck tag numbers. Even the holy grail of deer hunting unit 45 did away with late season hunting. I wonder why? If things are so great why did they take away the late hunt?
My son had a doe tag for 44,45, and 52. I spent 3 days in 45 and 52. I was not impressed for deer numbers. Yes a guy goes to king hill and you can see a bunch of deer. But Idaho's mule deer population is more than the 101 ranch. If you took the time to go to other wintering areas you will see that things are not as rosy as you would like them to be. But if the poster in the original message would like to come I am glad that he would like to ?help us out?. As a Idaho resident I am waiting for you to come and spend your money. It will help Idaho?s deer herds and bring our economy back from the hole we are in. Thank you. Ron
RE: Wise guy or what?

Haha, let's just leave the football thing out of it. We agree on something GSJ, we're in the minority on this issue too. I don't get all the negativity either, deer herds in ID are in the best shape they've been in 20 years.
RE: Wise guy or what?

Utah Mountain Man. Please dont take this the wrong way. I was in a similar situation a few years ago trying to broaden my horizons with out of state hunting. What I would suggest is just a brief look at the states F&G website. It has lots of the basic info there. I did this and then began to research units I wanted to look at and asked more specific questions then. I found this to be a easier way to get info and responses. Good luck and safe hunting!! PM Me if you want to talk.
RE: Wise guy or what?

You guys need to lay off Ron. He is not a bad guy from what I can see on this site. He just is real frustrated with the way his hunt areas are managed.

For the record I do not agree with him on this issue. I think Idaho's game animals are fine, and a great value for the Non resident. I do get a little leary of guys that want to know this or that about hunting Idaho, when they clearly have not even read the first page of Idaho regulations.

The fact is that there are few states where you can just come buy a tag and license and go hunt as easy as Idaho. You have a great chace of killing some game, and the access to public land is second to none.
RE: Wise guy or what?

>Haha, let's just leave the football
>thing out of it. We
>agree on something GSJ, we're
>in the minority on this
>issue too. I don't get
>all the negativity either, deer
>herds in ID are in
>the best shape they've been
>in 20 years.

Thats absolute bullshit, you must live in mule deer utopia of Idaho to make that statement!!
RE: Wise guy or what?

And how is it bullshit? Because you didn't kill a 200" deer this year, or because you're seeing less bucks than you did 10 years ago?? Where are your facts that suggest our mule deer herd is struggling? We just came off a series of mild winters, wet summers, and seasons of comparatively low hunter success. I really don't get your argument at all! What do you guys want??? Do you want to increase herd size??? Do you want better buck:doe ratios??? Maybe you should consider doing something yourself to fix the problem then... perhaps start by not killing immature bucks and letting them grow up a bit. I laughed out loud at Ron's last post. "The kid didn't see any good bucks, so he had to shoot a 2 point." Well that's one less buck that I garuantee will never be a mature animal. Are you guys that hard up for venison that you can't eat a tag. That just goes to show that people truly aren't concerned about anything. Go buy beef at the store and quit your bitchin.

Also pretty funny how you guys think mule deer pops could ever be as good as they were 30 years ago. You must be joking, when the largest deer herd in the state winters in the backyard of 200,000 people that are encroaching on the only winter range they have.

You guys cry about how bad sh!t is more than you hunt. The number of mule deer in the state hasn't changed in since the mid 90's and there were almost 30 200-inch bucks killed statewide this fall. Just because you didn't find them doesn't mean we're in trouble. Try hunting a little harder.
RE: Wise guy or what?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-10 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]I haven't killed a "mule deer" since 1992, so don't go down that road, and I raise plenty of beef, so don't go there either!! Where are your facts that they are booming? I've watched and helped biologists do counts, granted on a smaller scale, the only consistent thing that came out of it was the number, they added numbers where they thought they needed to, to make the "count". And no, I don't trust f&g numbers.

And after thinking about it you're right, the deer herd numbers in eastern Idaho have sucked since the early 90's,. I don't know where you live and maybe you have great numbers where you live, along with some other fellers on this forum(but they won't tell us where so the rest of us can hunt in utopia) but don't make a blanket statement about numbers over the whole state. I go out on winter ranges regularly here, and what I see is a joke numbers wise! Now we get this early snow, with these damn late rut hunts,( that I'd like to see gone) that are drive by shootings. I'd say if you can't find them before nov. 1st to bad, they'll be there next year to hunt.

To answer your question, a larger deer herd would be nice!

By the way I have over 50 days hunting in 3 states, so don't go there either, to picky I guess. I still have a couple weeks to get a whitetail.;

Can you prove that there were 30 200in bucks killed this year?
RE: Wise guy or what?

the guy just wanted some answers to some simple questions. if you dont want to answer them...DONT! you get "leary" huh? well i can think of a few other things i'd be more "leary" about, than a guy wanting to take his kids hunting in idaho. like those black helicopters hovering over your house springbear:)
RE: Wise guy or what?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-10 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p] Destroyer I think we've had this conversation before. You hunt primarily SE Idaho for mule deer right? As I've said before I believe some special regs or flat out closures may be needed in that once great area. I've never hunted and spent very little time there so I know the area only by what I've heard about it. IMO even if attention is given to the area, It's prolly never gonna be what it once was.

I hear and read the gripeing and whining about areas I DO spend time in (SC Idaho primarily) and all I can say is WTF? It's very difficult to believe what I read on here and what some other hunters tell me when my own eyes and the F&G tell me something completely different. And I'm not just talking a few little isolated areas.

It's not easy to find big bucks or bulls in general units, but far from impossible. I sure don't expect to see one every year. Easier to draw or second tier draw hunts in other states are probably better to varying degrees. Idaho has controlled units that are on par with anything anywhere. And have the draw odds to match!

Sounds like you have plenty of time to hunt and traveling to far flung locations is no problem for you. So why don't you put SE Idaho on your "used to hunt it" list. Honey holes come and go. If you had been hunting hard in general 39, 43, 48, 49, 32a, 24, and others, you'd have hung your tag on a few bucks since 1992. No "utopia" thats for sure. But if you grind it out eventually you're gonna get lucky.

Oh yeah, if you add up all the damage hunters, predators, etc do to mule deer herds, A bad winter will do worse. Much worse. All the "management" in the world can't do a damn thing about it either.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
I hunt Idaho every year and buy 2 non res. tags. Idaho rocks!!
I hunt gen. units and have taken some great bucks. I took a buck with a bow and rifle this year. Get out and hunt, you will find some great spots out there. If I dont draw in Nevada, Utah and Idaho's deer have to suffer.

Utah man, Hunted both Idaho and Washington this year. My son took a deer in Idaho and I harvested one in Eastern Washington. For number of deer you should look into Eastern Washington. Here in Idaho your chances of seeing a larger deer are greater but numbers are way lower. In Washington I seen between 40-60 deer a day with at least 15 of them bucks and of them, 4 of them were 3 points or better. In Idaho, I seen four bucks all season long, with my sons being the biggest one. These were both public land areas. Lots of Public land available in both areas.

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