Need input on breast cancer....


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-08 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]Guys- you may or may not know this, but October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The magazine (a local Uintah Basin, Utah publication) I write for is featuring some stories regarding breast cancer and I'd like to write a story about breast cancer from a husband's perspective.

I know it's a tough subject, but I'd like to write an article to show that husbands go through hell too. And show that alot of men gain a new perspecitve on their relationship with their wives, and others end up regarding their wife as their hero...a survivor. Larry, lve, I know you've said some beautiful things about your wife before. That's the kind of stuff I want in this article. I'd like some of you stories, guys. You can post them here, or email me. [email protected]

Please help me out.

Come ON guys. I really need some stories. D13er can't post anymore so he won't even make fun of you.....publicly. LOL ;-)
TripleK, I hope you get some responses. I know there are guys here that have been affected by breast cancer in their families. Fortunately, I am not one of them so thankfully, I can't be of any help. You know however, that us guys don't like to talk about our problems so it may be a little slow getting information.

So guys, please help TK out if have have some insight to share. It doesn't have to be a public thing. One thing I do know is that for everyone of you on here that has been affected there are countless others elsewhere going through the same struggles and process. Sometimes it does help to find out there are other people out there and you're not alone.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-08 AT 03:57PM (MST)[p]I agree, that is nothing to joke about. To anyone that has had to go through a hardship such as that my feeling go out to you and your family. Someones health is nothing to poke at!
You know, I just want to know how it has affected you, or your relationship, what changes occurred (one man became really good at curling his daughter's hair and french braiding because he was the one who took over doing her hair in the mornings), just a short, one paragraph (or longer) blurb about your experience with a wife with breast cancer. I want a man's perspective for this article.

Just tell me some of what you've said about your wife in the past...about how strong she is. You've said alot of great things about your wife, Larry and it's touched me. That's the kind of stuff I want, if you don't mind. Just start typing and see what comes out, man.

>I agree, that is nothing to
>joke about. To anyone that
>has had to go through
>a hardship such as that
>my feeling go out to
>you and your family. Someones
>health is nothing to poke

Well what I meant is noone is going to poke fun about a guy sharing his feelings about his wife's suffering. Not that someone had breast cancer...just the 'sensitive guy' part. That's all I meant.

There's ALOT of difference between us guys.

Alot of guys cant handle the fact that their
spouse has cancer, and it totally messes them up.
Some guys are just lazy, and others, just cant
accept it emotionally. Some of that overlaps.

Alot of men can't deal with the physical change that
their wife has just gone through, having had one, or
both breasts removed in surgery. You follow that up
with Chemo Therapy, that usually Always makes one sick
to a certain extent, then you have that to deal with.

Your sexual relationship with your spouse is going to
change. Sometimes for only a few months. Sometimes for
the rest of your life. Many guys I know, had trouble
dealing with the sexual element.

There's the money issue involved with such things.
We had Great insurance, and didn't have much problem,
but I have freinds that work constuction and do remodeling
work, that were off the job alot with their spouse, and it
cost them dearly. Some, more than they could handle.

Alot of men don't handle these things very well.
But, luckily, most do.

Most guys are just scared. I know I was.

Man'up and Deal with it.
there's no other way.


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