NEED Hunting Advice !!!



I'm looking for something to go with my Camo Wool pants. What is Better, Red Plaid or the Blue Plaid ? I also Shoot a 300 win mag 190 Grain bullet, but thats besides the point.

Any help would be apreciated. THANX in advance !!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
It depends on what age class of deer you are hunting. The structure of the cones inside a Mule deer's eyes will change as they age. If you are looking at shooting Forked Horns, you will want to stick with the Red Plaid, as the cones in their eyes will not be able to see red until fully developed. This will ususually occur at 2.5 years of age.

If you are looking to shoot older bucks, then by all means, use the blue plaid. There is an interesting study done on Mule deer in a High Fenced area by the University of Texas A&M, and they found that mule deer that were more than 4.5 years old could not see the blue spectrum.

Now white tails would be a different answer, but it doesn't matter what color of plaid you are wearing when you are sitting inside some heated blind next to the corn feeder.

Good luck, and post results.
MDG.. Can I jsut call you Gunner for short ? Hope so.

My intrest falls somewere in between. I actually like to shoot 2x3's usually in the 3.78 Year range. With your explination, Should I wear purple plaid ?

Also, this UoT A&M I've never heard of, Is it the Sister School to KFC ?

And Everyone knows that you need to only have a Texas Accent to shoot a White tail. Even a man as Uneducated as Myself knows that !!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
There are some great ranches in Texas to hunt Mule Deer. Many of them have greatly improved their high fences, so the deer are more secure. And with the advances in camo designs, some of the Feeders are scarcely noticeable in the pictures/video that you can take. About the only thing left to address is the sound caused by the auto feeder turning on, but the deer are conditioned to come to that sound, so you would not want to change that feature. Many of the serious hunters in Texas will just turn the propane up on the heater, and get the sound of the heater to drown out the feeder sounds.

But, to your question, for the age class of Mule Deer you want to kill, there is no need to wear Camo. There is just not a need to camo up when riding an ATV, and as we have been lucky enough to have Bush elected to the White House, we now see the proliferation of access to all of the Public Lands of the West by ATV riders. This has resulted in the deer being conditioned to the presence of ATV's. And as there is no need to get off an ATV when hunting Mule Deer, it is now fairly common to see all the deer being harvested by the age of 3.5 years, like you are seeking.

The other good way to conceal while Mule Deer hunting is to find an old Herford or Angus cow hide and drape it over you. As the Bush Administration is now rolling back all the restrictions on grazing practices on Public Lands, this method will only become more and more effective as the cattle remain on Public Lands for the $1.35 per month the goverment gets to feed privately owned cattle.
Moosie you should have your wife make you an outfit from all your empty McDonalds bags. A little white,red and yellow may work better than plaid.

Make darn sure that you wear the red plaid only. We want to see you coming so that we can vacate the woods in a timely manner.

I thought that everyone understood that the color of plaid you choose to wear with your camo is in direct corolation to the beverage that one has been choosen for the trip. Now, a import lauger lover requires a blue plaid. It makes the hunter look manly and sophisticated. This type of hunter will require little attention from a deer in the 3.78 age group, because they usually become quite "tipsy" the night before the opener and very rarely find themselves out of their 30' fifth wheel before noon.
On the other hand, a man who chooses to sport a red plaid is almost always a domestic light beer drinker, dare we say, "a bud man!" They usually have little problem getting up before noon on opening day because they either chose to drink all night, or found themselves in a state in which they couldn't find their 16' bumper pull and froze their a$$ off the night before the opener when they became "way tipsey" and puked on their beautiful red plaid woolrich. Often this puke comes in a blaze orange shade, saving the hunter the time of finding the keys to his truck to get out a blaze orange vest. "Here's to you, Mr. red plaid and camo wearer.

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