Need help with an Antelope hunt.


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Ever since my wife started hunting with my three years ago she has been telling me that she would love to hunt antelope. She'll have three bonus points going in to this years drawing for the Fish Lake, Plateau unit. I don't think that will be enough points to give her a good chance at drawing a tag yet. I've heard that Wyoming has a good antelope population and the drawing odds are pretty good. I've been thinking about expanding my options by putting her in for a tag in Wyoming. I've never applied for an out-of-state tag and don't really know where to start. For those of you that have jumped through the hopes of applying for an out-of-state tag can you give me some suggestions on does and don'ts? Can anyone give me some suggestion on a unit in Wyoming that has good drawing odds that I can put my wife in for? She does not care about size at all she just wants to tip one over.


it took me 2 years to draw in area 52 and i saw a ton of antelope. There were alot of hunters up there too on the public land, but the warden was saying he saw at least 85% success in that area-which is great. i definatel recommend it.
Hey Bull, there are a bunch of tags usually in the private land areas, like 23 around Gillette. The goats aren't huge, but they are everywhere and there is some private land you can access.

Another idea is to look at the Access Yes program. These are areas that are walk-in area, and can be quite good.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-05 AT 02:34PM (MST)[p]Predator,

Where can I find out more information on the "Access Yes" program? I have been trying to download as much information as I can get from the Wyoming Fish and Game home page, but have not seen anything yet about this programe. I've also been waiting for the 2006 regulations to be released. Does any one know when they will be release and if there is a way that I can have the Wyoming Fish and Game send me a copy of the regulations?

Thanks for the info.


Tell me where I can get a 400 bull elk and I'll tell you about the WY Access Yes Program! Just kidding. The Access Yes program funds the Private Lands Public Access programs in WY. The website is

I had a good antelope hunt on one of the public acess areas in Area 45 last fall. I have also hunted other areas and never saw an animal. I think it is kind of hit or miss. Some of these areas will have unlimited access and others will limit the number of hunters allowed. A few years ago, I hunted one of these areas in Area 38 outside of Cheyenne. Never saw an antelope in two days so gave up and went elsewhere. The area was just outside an area being developed for new houses. Not sure what was up here but the hunt area is no longer listed on the website. Some of the walk-in areas are small so you need to do some research.

Bull, I forgot to add that in the areas like 23 you can also get a list of landowners allowing access (usually for a fee). Some charge, some don't, some are leased to outfitters. You can do your research early and usually find a farmer or rancher who has more speedgoats than they want to deal with. The land I've hunted near Gillette charged me like a hundred bucks for 3 days, and let me stay in a camp trailer on the ranch.
In the past Unit 23 has been undersubscribed, meaning everyone who applies there gets drawn. This is because there is a very large number of pronghorns in this unit near Gillette. This is not the best place to go if you are trying to bag a large set of horns, but you are certain to draw here. You will want to put in a "party application." There is a box on the application to mark to identify your application and your wife's application as a party application, and you will mail the applications in together. The instructions are pretty obvious. Call the Wyoming Department of Fish and Game in Cheyenne to get an applicaiton guide. The applications are due in pretty early in the New Year, so get on the stick man!

Get the list of land owners who accept trespass fees to hunt their lands and call several. I found one that let me hunt his 1200 acres for two days at $100/gun. Other deals are available.

Success rates in Unit 23 must be very high because of the numbers of pronghorn there.

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