Need help / advice


Long Time Member
Serious matter here guys. I've had my suspicions for the last few the months the wife may be cheating on me. The usual signs I suppose, the phone rings, if I answer then the caller hangs up. Never interested in sex, ever. Heck she doesn??t seem to like to spend any time with me. She goes out with the girls every Friday nite. I try to stay awake to catch her when she comes home late but I'm usually sound asleep.

Late last night I hid behind the truck, waiting for her to come home. When she arrived she got out of someone's car I didn't recognize, buttoning her shirt, then sprayed herself with perfume I assume to mask an unfamiliar scent. I was shocked when she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them on. It was at that moment that I noticed a big nail sticking out the sidewall of my tire. Now the serious question: will I be able to have the tire patched or will I be out the cost of a new one? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
You are SCREWED! You can't patch a sidewall! Tires are EXPENSIVE! Man, good luck with that, I hate buying tires!
A hole in the sidewall is not good. I hope you have a full coverage plan on your tires. I paid the extra $9.95 per tire so if I stuck something through the sidewall of mine. said.

Was she getting out of a red '90 Iroc Camaro? Those cars get the chicks!

T&A Inspector
Dude trust me, you cant repair that old tire, nor is it worth trying at this point. Go find a new set, there are a lot of really good hardly used sets out there....go with that and never look back.[/IMG]
There is a company out of Wisconsin that makes Sidewall Duct Tape.....I saw it on the internet so it must be true....

If things change at home-----so sad-------ya know me and 'Da Warden' will give your big white doggie a great home.....snowshoeing and x-skiing with us in the winter and tons of mountain hikes spring-summer-fall.....

Just sayin'......ha

Take pictures of the wifey naked.... (her naked not you). Threaten to post them on MM unless she buys you a new set of tires. It's a win-win!

After you mount the tires post the photos anyway.

You're welcome, Slick

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