Need Gun Help


Long Time Member
I have 3 kids, and only 2 heirloom type guns.

They are both Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 rifles.

I am looking to buy 1 more gun to pass on to my kids.

I have narrowed it down to:

-Winchester Model 70 Super Grade
-Kimber Classic
-Cooper Classic.

Tell me your thoughts on those guns. Do you think any of the 3 would be a better choice to use, and then pass on?

Hey Mike,
If you are going to eventually give it to them, what are you asking us idiots for! LOL
Ask them.
Or better yet, just give one of them your bow! ha.

JK Good luck on that one buddy!
The winchester or Kimber. Coopers are made by anti hunting idiots.
Simpe to stick with a winchester so all three get a winchester, but the new Kimbers are actually better rifles in most respects. My personal choice would be a kimber, especially if I am using it before passing it on.
"Coopers are made by anti hunting idiots."


what do you mean by your comment about coopers? do you just not like the rifle? or do you know for a fact that they really are made by Anti's?

not stirring the pot im just curious. ive looked into these rifles and want one, but if they are made by anti's i will not support them.

"Shoot Straight"
Keep um all the same breed and get a another winchester. Maybe even another Pre-64.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Cooper has a long history of supporting Obama and his anti-gun, anti-hunting agendas. It is well documented. Crazy, I know, but you can even read about it on the wikipedia entry for Cooper Firearms, which only gives the highlights.
I actually think they are nice looking, high quality rifles. A bit expensive for what you get, but that is hard to quantify. I would consider buying a Cooper if I didn't know part of my money would be going to Obama and his agenda. I'm happy to stick with Kimber and Winchester.
My personal experience has been with Winchester and Kimber. They are both excellent rifles and would be a great gift......for ME!
Good luck Mike with your choice.
Oh, and don't pass-on just yet. I like having you around!
Why not mix it up a bit ? Get something a little different. If you have a long range heavy rifle get something a little lighter for packing. If you have alot of big bores like 300 RUMS. get a 270 ? How about a Stainless steel rifle? I was in the same situation a few years ago. I found a near new ruger SS 270 for my daughter. Easy to care for and light weight.
I plan to stick around for at least another 48 years.
Great advice by all of you! That is very interesting about Cooper.
Hard to see what they have to gain out of their support.
Leaning Winchester.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-12 AT 08:38PM (MST)[p]Cooper being anti hunting is internet nonsense. The CEO of the company donated personal money Obama's campaign. He's no longer CEO.

End of story.

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