Need advice


Long Time Member
What 30 06 bullet is best for shooting meth addicts with? I need this quick before Walmart closes for the night.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]55 grain rifling marks on the bullet.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I will be in my home so it doesn't matter. The bastards have broke in while we were home before and they are working this area right now.
The laws are pretty funny in this country.

It can get real ugly if you shoot someone, even in your own home....but if your Rottweiler tears some intruding dirt bag's "junk" COMPLETELY off his body, you are "good to go", as they say.

All you need to have is a "Beware of Dog" sign on the front of your property!
My gawd you guys !

Are you nuts ?

You talk so flip about killing someone.

Do you really know what that means ?

It sounds like tough talk from those who have never felt the hell of knowing you have taken someones life.

Think it's all pats on the shoulders from your tough talking friends, it ain't. It's lonely , and no one really understands.

Please consider what you are saying and forget the tough talk.

Steve Cheuvront

The same meth addick that broke into my home beat an 80 man nearly to death the same week he robbed us and we were home at the time we were robbed. Why don't you take your opinion and shove it up your ass.
Being a pacifist in your own home to someone who makes stealth or tumultuous entry in the cover of dark is not only foolish but a good way to get yourself killed.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-10 AT 00:11AM (MST)[p]What you need is a 12 gauge scattergun technology setup as a house warming gift.
Load it up with some federal tactical 00 buck with the reverse wad. In a pinch, one ounce slugs will do the trick also.
When I'm not duck hunting I take the plug out and stuff my 12 gauge full of 00 Buck. If someone invades my house while I'm home they will get the Big Surpise!

The 00 buck is good because you don't even have to be in the same room as the intruders to take them out, that is if your house is built with standard dry wall. One of my LEO buddies here recommends a slug first, then the 00 buck, just in case you hit a stud with the first shot.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I can't take all that recoil.....trap loads work just fine inside 40'.

They will terminate any drug turd living!
>When I'm not duck hunting I
>take the plug out and
>stuff my 12 gauge full
>of 00 Buck. If someone
>invades my house while I'm
>home they will get the
>Big Surpise!


You should read up on the regs a little closer. If it is a federal excon and not just a state or local thug you had better be using the plug as well as steel shot. Those regs apply to most interstate migratory animals and assuming your house is close to a wetland better safe than sorry. Last thing you want to have happen after an incident is have to live with the fact that you took them in violation of either of those rules.

>At least he didn't say he
>shot too early in the

... at his age it would be nothing short of a miracle if he can get anything to shoot in the dark.

>>At least he didn't say he
>>shot too early in the
>... at his age it would
>be nothing short of a
>miracle if he can get
>anything to shoot in the

rans, go out and buy some crack, place it in the garage and wait for the perp. oh nevermind thats baiting
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-10 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]jeezus sprovrontiyetisted, could you be a bigger stick in the mud? fill your vest with bricks and jump in the deep end.

Sometimes it helps to distinguish between "flip" and Glib...
MethAdds make lousy hunting partners.
Ex-MethAdds can make good Outdoorspeople, if'n they don't have a bad legal record, which makes for few.
Even those can still be decent and willing to participate in the Outdoor life and maybe get their kids once in a while.
Known many, glad I don't know any more.
Judgemental as all-get-out, I know, but the best and worst of the whole scene has played itself out in front of me here in Gillette the past 20 years.

Overton, I'm thankful no one was hurt during your home violation, though I'd not shed a tear if the perp was routed...


Thanks for your words.
The meth heads are again working my area. I had my garage broken into a few days ago ago and more homes were hit within blocks. Another alarm went off just moments ago and it's not even dark yet. The meth heads turn violant when you don't produce money or something of value that can quickly be turned into money.

I know it sucks to have this type of individual or group thereof in your neighbourhood, but sometimes, no, all the time, they will eliminate themselves by behavior that brings in the Blue and puts them away from you.
If you can smell that crap being cooked, then you've got reasonable. Burning, metallic, smellls like nothing nature would produce.

LOL, speaking of baiting. When I was 19, I moved out of the parent's house and in with my older brother and that's when I learned that he had a little crack smoking problem. He would stay up all night long and many times I would wake up and see him on his hands and knees scavenging the carpet looking for little flakes of crack he might have dropped. One night before I went to bed, I took some potato chips and crumpled them up and scattered them across the floor. Sure enough, a few hours later he was eagerly taking hits of Lays potato chip crumbs and the next day he was telling me all about the bad stuff he had got from the crack dealer. I laughed my ass off! Tweakers are such dumbasses!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Dollar for dollar, this is the most cost effective way to cut down on the thuggary around there Rans. Stop being cheap and put up some of these. I'd even ship you some but freight would be more than the value of the product.


Dang, sorry to hear about the crackheads. Hopefully one of them will be my nephew and you can take care of him.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Set up a few trail cam and get some good pictures of them too. That will help the LEO find and get them a new home.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-10 AT 04:59PM (MST)[p]Just remember is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
I was thinking about renting a Jeep in March but have 2nd thoughts about it now.

rans, i got the perfect solution to the break ins, just let me, 45, kilo, jb, bessy and nvb all take 1 year at a time living at the house. of course u can pay us for out trouble and we can watch it for u. problem solved. u are welcome. ill take first year.

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