Need advice on Northern Cali-deer


Long Time Member
I may be thinking of burning my points next year (max). Tired of playing the game. I hunted Nevada 192 last year and hunting in the pines was a cool change to hunting sage flats and traditional western stuff. I'd been looking into either X5a, X5b or X7b. Will there be snow up there in mid October or is that one of those things that it just depends? Anybody have any advice on what units hold good quantities of deer? I'm a quantity over quality type of hunter...though will not shoot the first buck I see. I appreciate the help guys.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
+1 I burned 6 points on x3A this year, I usually put in for x5A but didn't want to wait another 2 years or more I'll let you know how I did.
my old fav area is x-5a, a decent hunt in pretty country but i'd now pass on it with close to max points. x-5b is harder to draw and no doubt carries some really nice bucks though no cakewalk hunt. i might try the doyle late season hunt. weather really helps that hunt but it can be fantastic.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Of my last four hunts in the northern X zones, I had snow on the ground on two occasions, and then only briefly. In all honesty, I believe that the hunts you mention are tops in terms of quality as well as quantity. If you learn the area, you will have no trouble tagging a nice buck. The key is to get out early and locate them while they are still red and stand out like a sore thumb. They will be in the same locations come October, unless disturbed. Another zone you might consider is X2, which is turning out a lot of very good deer these days.
Doyle late season muzzy or Devils Garden late season muzzy. X2 has produced some toads. Don't put in for X5B... I don't need anymore competition in next years pool!
My son has the Doyle muzzy tag this year, will let you all know how he does. We're doing quite a bit of research and will be scouting it hard before the season, so hoping for some weather to make the hunt as good as its potential.

I've got max points and next year I'll again be putting in for Doyle and Devil's Garden muzzy and probably X5B as I now have a friend who knows the unit intimately and wants to help if I draw. X5B always has that potential for a special buck, even after all the fire destruction of a couple years ago.
Putting down devils garden and x5b as a second and third choice is will never happen. Those tags are long gone from the preference draw and random draw before second and third choice tags are handed out.
+1 Rob, those tags are long gone to first choice. Anybody know how many points it took to draw X5B this year in preference draw?
i don't think that this years draw statistics are available yet but this info on some "Northern" hunts from last years drawing stats can give a guy an idea.

for M9, Devil's Garden Muzz, 69 Max apps for the 14 pref quota tags, it took max, 11 points

for M3, Doyle Muzz, 110 Max point apps for the 18 pref quota tags, it took max, 11 points

for X5B, 11 max point apps for the 50 pref quota tags, 9 points was the lowest # to draw.

for X5A, 1 max point app for the 68 pref quota tags, 7 points was the lowest to draw.

Other Northern hunts of note; minimum points that drew Pref quota tags LAST YEAR.

X2...5 points
X3A..5 points
X3b..2 points
X4...3 points
X6A..3 points
X6B..2 points
X7a..4 points
X7B..4 points


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I wouldn't look at the number of max point apps for a specific draw to see what chance I have with a second choice. Look at the total apps that put a specific hunt as first choice. Then look at how many tags are handed out to someone as a second choice, not very many premium draw hunts make it to second choice ever.

And if u have anything less than max points and u are trying to draw a hunt like Doyle or Goodale or some other hunt where lowest point value awarded a tag is equal to max points then u have only a shot in hell of drawing that tag. I hear of guys getting their hopes up all the time on stuff like this. Talked to one guy who was putting in with his buddies on a party of 4 with one point less than max trying to draw Doyle! They would only have a shot at the random tags and there are only 2 in that hunt.
"I wouldn't look at the number of max point apps for a specific draw to see what chance I have with a second choice."

You are correct and i don't. But i do look at how many max point guys put in for a specific hunt to see, among other reasons, what my chances are in that hunt if i also have max, or close to max, points. If a guy studies the Booklet every year, the numbers are dated but they do tell a lot about what is attainable, going to be tough to draw, and what one can realistically apply for and maybe get.

One of the only hunts that can be drawn, of the "premium" hunts, with a second choice is the C zone. I think last year, a few second choice tags were also available for D-12 as well.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Just a thought and I will actually follow up and email the department as well.

It would be nice if they would publish the complete spreadsheet that shows how many applied for what hunts and how many points they have. They have the info I have seen it the past 3 years

Now it's not an exact science as people hop around and apply for different zones

But let's say you are applying for zone x whatever and there are 50 tags that go to points. 2 drew with max 8 with one less than max and the per 40 with two less than max. With this data it would tell you how many total applied with two less than max. Which if you are sitting at 3 less you know how many are in front of you next year as well as how many are equal to you.

And even with those who hop around the average is very steady and it helps a lot

Just request expanded drawing odds to be published
Nitis it would be nice to have that data available. Colorado puts their stats out this way. The only thing that CA does is it shows the lowest point value awarded a tag so at least u can kind of plan on when u know u might draw a premium tag. But for those hunts that require max points u can not plan on anything.
That's why I suggested emailing them and if Huey hear it from enough of us they may publish it.

I get a copy of it very year already
I think I'll put in for x7b....can you say hi-jacked post? LOL

Those of you that contributed, I thank you. Maybe I need to repost in a few months.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Something to consider wiszard

You have max points yet there are toads out there in areas that don't require max points. Maybe find someone who really knows an area very well and share your points. Just a thought and no I am not asking for you to share them with me.

I personally have one area I want to hunt and don't try for anywhere else. I have been going there since I was a kid so it has sentimental reasons also.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-14 AT 05:00AM (MST)[p]never mind!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
If I were you I would put in for Doyle muzzy the max point pool is getting low for that hunt so your odds are getting decent,A no snow year hunt there would be just as good as 7b but if you get the weather you would be one happy guy.
Here's my dilemma...I'd like to hunt with my Dad (max points also) but I want to hunt with my 13 year old son as well (2 points). I can't draw any "premium" hunt...or at least have a better than average shot at it if I include my son. I am thinking of just taking the loss and going with x7b. Even with my sons lack of points, I think we should draw it.

Who wouldn't want to hunt with this kid?!


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I would still go with Doyle and I would put you and your dad in separate,just because you only have one tag doesn't mean you all can't go together and have a good time,way less pressure finding one good buck then trying to get three.
Put your kid in for x6b and each of you and your dad put in separately for Doyle. If your son draws you can help him hunt and learn the lay of the land for your hunt if u draw. Then he can go back with u and help u hunt or your dad.
Even with max points, you may wait a very long time before drawing Doyle Muzzleloader. It's only my opinion, of course, but I would dedicate my efforts on hunts like that to other states. If you are prepared to wait two decades to hunt, then apply for the best hunts, out-of-state. Meanwhile, hunt your home state every year, or at least every few years. Every zone has some good deer in it. The trick is getting to know the area so that you can find them every time you hunt the unit. You won't find bigger deer during Doyle Muzzy--just easy ones. They are in the area all season long--they are just more difficult to locate.

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