Need Advice On Inbox

Cow Tag

Active Member
The icon told me that I had new messages in my inbox but when I clicked on the inbox deal all I found was old messages from a year ago. How do I find the new messages that members have sent me very recently? Thanks, Cowtag
What happened was the Founder probably made some upgrade to his system and this will trigger what messages you had in your Inbox. Just click on each one that you want to keep and then close it and move on to the next one till you have highlighted each one and then close out.

Next time you log in there should be NO NEW MESSAGES. This is what I do to clear the saved messages.

cowtag - the same thing happens to me a lot as I frequently log in from different computers on different servers and isp addresses. I am not sure how it does it but I guess the software reads the new machine or information and it gives you the message every time it is a new machine. It will happen on my home PC periodically too, and I think that is because our AT&T switches back and forth to a variety of different servers for our network periodically.

Kind of annoying but if you delete the old messages then it will only appear when there truly are new messages.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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