Need a New Point and Shoot


Very Active Member
My small camera crapped out today so I am looking for a new small point and shoot. Will use it for use with my spotter and hero pics. Ant suggestions?
I have read many good reviews by hunters on the Sony RX100, but they are expensive. I have also seen some pretty good pictures taken with the Olympus TG series.
Reviews are good on the Sony but I am not looking to put that much into this camera. I use it so infrequently.
Since you've stated that you want to use the camera with your spotting scope then I would suggest you consider the following. As good as the cameras in phones are now, especially ones like the new iPhone 7+, you could simply get a PhoneSkope bracket for your phone and that should be all you need. Unless you want to pony up the cost for a digital SLR, the better cell cams will serve just about as well as any cheap point & shoot. I have an iPhone 7+ and the camera is VERY good on both stills & HD video. I don't even carry my digital SLR on most hunts now, just my phone.
I have a iPhone 6 and do you it but wanted a basic camera or some situations. I have no intention of photographing wildlife at distances. Pic will be of camp, scenery and kill shots. Basic shots. I am considering the Cannon SX 610.
If you head over to my Hunt Adventure Challenge thread, everything I shot this season was with a Canon SX530, photos and video. It's not as compact as a traditional Point and Shoot as it does have many features of a better camera, but it can shoot Auto easily if you want...

"BR's Dream Season HAC"

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-16 AT 01:34PM (MST)[p]

So what do your consider long range? Anything over 50 yards is long range to a 3x optical camera. So if you see an interesting scene/tree/animal at 100 yards and you have a 3x camera, you won't be happy with the photos. It really doesn't cost that much more to buy a 20x+ optical zoom. There will be times when you wish you had, I can assure you. My 30X fits into my front shirt pocket if I need it too. Very compact as the zoom lens goes totally back into the camera.

Where we go in Colorado, there is a huge mountain peak called lone cone that dominates the landscape behind a lake we fish on. If you take the lake with the peak in the background with no mag up to 3x, the mountain is not prominent or even impressive in the photo. I have to go to 10-12x to make it as impressive as it is in person. Cameras really reduce things at distance.

After writing this, I looked up the camera you are thinking about and see that it has an 18X optical zoom. That would probably serve you well. However, I have that exact zoom on mine and my wife has 30X. I take her camera with me more when she is not using it :) So if $100 difference means that much, then you are probably good to go. But if you can, the extra is worth it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I love my phone skope and Sam Galaxy except when your right on top of a critter, then point and shoot would be handy.
Tines up sells a point and shoot camera with an adapter that fits your spotting scope. So use it as camera anytime or anywhere you want. Then pop it on your spotting scope for long range photos. I also use a phonescope with my iPhone. But the point and shoot takes better pictures. But the iPhones and Samsung phones are catching up fast.

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