Need a Book Recomendation


Very Active Member
I will be doing some long days in airports soon and need a good book to pass the time. Please give your recomendations.

First, your favorite hunting book.

Second, your favorite non-hunting book.

Thanks to all who participate.
I think it's called Death in the Tall Grass by Chapwick? I can't remember, somebody will post it up, it's a definite winner!

No. 2 In the Company of Soldiers
Check out

Love of the Hunt: A Lifetime Pursuit of Deer, Elk, Bears, Waterfowl, and Upland Birds
by John Winsor

it is a great read.


Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West

about the Lewis & Clark Expedition

Both are excellent books!
>I think it's called Death in
>the Tall Grass by Chapwick?
>I can't remember, somebody will
>post it up, it's a
>definite winner!
>No. 2 In the Company of

Death in the Tall Grass is by Peter Capstick and is excellent.

If you like suspence/thrillers Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Identity (much better than what was a good movie)

Tom Clancy novels are good, if you can remember the cold war days.

If you've never read Peter Benchley's Jaws... it will remind you why it scared the s**t out of people. Just a few ideas.


"I don't hunt to kill, I kill to have hunted."
Some say different, but about anything by Peter Hathaway Capstick is some good danged reading.

Grab a copy of "Yeager", by Chuck Yeager... the man had balls of steel!
"Hunting trips of a Ranchman" & "The Wilderness Hunter" b TR is a GREAT READ!!

I read lots of other books, mostly fantasy and can recommend anything by Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks or Robin Hobb with great enthusiasm.....(no Harry frikkin Potter though)lol

Lone Survivor

by Marcus Luttrell

This is a really good read. Marcus was in the 4 man SEAL recon team that got caught behind enemy lines in the Hindu Kush Mountains, Afghanistan June 2005. This story is well told, felt like I was there.

These guys are STUDS! I was so moved by this book, I went and visited one of the lost SEALS grave in a nearby Vet Cemetary to pay my respects.
"Far from Cactus Flat" By some Hafen guy!

Story about a WWII P51 pilot from the Arizona Strip, shot down in France the day after D-Day.

A compelling insight into life on the "Strip" prior to it's introduction as the place to hunt "muley's".

Very good read!

I really like Mule Deer Quest by Walt Prothero. Not so much as a "how to" type book. What i like most are the naratives. A series of short stories that are great for mule deer hunters.
Most all of Capstick's books are entertaining to read, but somewhat sensationalized. If you want the some other excellent african reading, try Robert Ruark's books, especially use enough gun. They're old, but excellent.

Non-hunting, another vote for undaunted courage. Also like the last best league if you're into baseball. It's a book about a summer with the Chatham A's of the Cape Cod League.
Hunting book

Robert Ruark Horn of the Hunter, The old man and the Boy.

Non Hunting book Just about anything by Hemingway, If you like Undaunted Courage you will like any of Stephen Ambrose's books. He also wrote an amazing account of D-Day, also wrote band of brothers Band of brothers, also details George McGoverns life as a B-17 pilot.

Other authors that are very entertaining are Patrick Obrian (Master and Commander) and Bernard Cornwell has some great series as well such as the Sharpe Series, Nathanial Starbuck etc...
Oh heck yea, as CAelknuts said, about anything by Ruark will grab you by the... uh, attention, and not let go.

Try "The Mountain Man", fairly good history covering a bunch of american ledgends, most notably my favorite, Jedidiah Smith... there was a man that had it all! A true American hero!
"Give Your Hart to the Hawks"...
White Hunters by Brian Herne. turn of the century hunting in Africa those guys were freaking crazy. Most were eventually killed by the animals they persued. One of the interesting things they did was called riding lions. They would chase lions down on horseback and when it turned and faced them would try to get a killing shot before it mauled them and the horse,
Any of the Mitch Rapp novels by Vince Flynn are great! I picked up one of his books by accident and I cannot wait for the next one

You might try The DEER Family by Teddy Roosevelt.
Also The Long Hunters by ???

For a different type of nonhunting book try Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. After reading his book I wonder if we have regressed some since his time.

My favorite book is "tough trip through Paradise" by Andrew Garcia.
This is the best book I have read. I have given at least 20 of this book to friends. you will love it. Good read, try it
I actually bought a book from the "left Behind" series at an airport on a business trip. Seriously the best series of books I've read EVER! Very well written and you will not be able to put em down. I've read the series 6 times. Never done that before with books.
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
I agree with one of the previous posts; read the Journal
of Merriweather Lewis. I spent a summer working out of town last year and spent many evenings reading it. Very interesting readand it really gives a new insight on how some hunting was done in days of old.
To follow up on Robert Ruark, perhaps my all-time favorite book was The Old Man and the Boy. I don't think of that as a hunting book per se, as it deals with his childhood, growing up with his grandfather. If any of you had a close relationship with your grandfather growing up, you'll love this book more than any other.

I've never read a bad book by Robert Ruark, and I have first editions of nearly everything he wrote in my collection. They're all very good.
" 31 years on the plains and in the mountains " by William F. Drannan. i thought i had read every good mountain man book till i read this. It has (imo) the best trapping, hunting, and indian fighting stories that ive read. right there anyway with TR's hunting and ranching stories.

" blackhawk down ". one of the best books ive ever read. way better then the movie.
Second Blackhawk Down. Un-put-downable. Already mentioned, "Yeager" by Chuck Yeager. If you like rifle shooting, there is one by a guy name Henderson called Marine Sniper or something like that. Describes the career of Carlos Hathcock, a sniper in Vietnam,

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