NE Wyo--Two Buck Goats



Something I failed to mention so far to those coming to my neck-o'-the-prairie for Lope this Fall, chalk it up to forgetfulness:
(Info provided to all you numb-nuts prior to and pending confirmation for the '07 hunt season via phone call to the G&F)
Anyone who has a copy of the '06 Elk, Deer or Antelope Regs. for Wyo, it's in the small print. This was last year's regulation, also.

Sub. Sec. (c): For Antelope, any person may apply for and receive a maximum of one (1) Limited Quota any antelope license, EXCEPT after the initial and leftover license drawings are completed any person may apply for and receive a maximum of two (2) limited quota any antelope licenses valid for hunt areas 1-5, 8-10, 15-26,28, 102, 109, or 113. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of two (2) limited quota any antelope licenses.

This would put the 2nd buck tag available during the issue- after period, don't believe they would be OTC, but not sure.
Traditionally, the areas with stacks of type 1's left unissued are: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15-26, 28, 102, and 109.
....Cha-ching!....but,hey, two speedos in two diff. areas, kinda' gets one thinkin'.
I'm bettin' carrying capacities for these areas are still overloaded, but I've yet to talk to Cheyenne about the issue.

hey that total trespass fee area or is there any or just enough public land for a solo hunter to glimpse a prairie speedster ...thanks
Each area has got at least one good, accessible public chunk for lopes. Some a little more, some not. It is possible, if not entirely probable, with school sections and all by the roads along with patchy BLM, to get a public goat off any of these particular areas without much trouble. I've never had that be a problem.
As an avowed Public Nut myself, I'd be pickin' 18(TBNG) or 20(State Lands) or 21(BLM) for my 2nd buckster over all the rest that fall under this reg. Chances are I will be if'n I draws my #1 come results time.

Happy Goatin'!
I shoulda' recalled this from last year, when I didn't get the 2nd buck tag 'cause I really didn't want it--won't slip up like that again! I'm about out of Filet-Mignon of the Prairie already!

If it's Issue-After, it'll be the full price minus the Appl. Fee.
I don't recall any reduction in price from when they've done this in past years.
That'd be the bummer part of it for non-res. hunters, I guess.

Hey!--I still owe you a PM! Ain't forgot, I'll try knock it out today in-between chores, kids and servicing Her Highness!!

Right on.
Something's got to keep this petrified pasture on the map.
That thing is me.

Wyoming!--Like no place on Earth...or Mars.

That's great info! Too bad for me though, I won't be there until Nov. for elk season. Zone 3 would do it for me.
Hey, sageh--
Gonna be huntin' private or public while on Elkquest up there?

By the way, lope areas 1 through 5 are open 'til Nov. 20.

I'll be on public for elk, it starts Nov 5. Won't the antelope be shedding horns in Nov? Maybe not but I just might have to look into a tag. Gotta love goat meat!
RumpR... would this hold true for elk or/and deer tags?

Leftover purchase and you already have a tag drawn?

No, Robb, one can only take one Deer per year with antlers and one Elk per year with antlers. Your 2nd Elk has to be the reduced price Cow/calf, with a full-price tag applied for as your 1st.
If you've got an "any" tag drawn in the initial, Lope is the only species you currently can take another "any" if you draw it in the given areas in the Leftover.
G & F will add about 2000 "any" tags and 4000-plus doe/fawn tags this year also, for Lope in primarily N.E. Wyo, in addition to last year's quotas. There's just too many of 'em to sustain.
The additional tags for Deer and Lope include four doe/fawn tags per hunter total, in certain areas. The deer-doe tags are primarily directed at the preponderence of Whitetail between the Bighorns and the S.D. line.

All this is not yet carved in stone! I'm going off last year's regs. and what they've said will be allowed this year, but it ain't official 'til they finalize the 2007 regs!
One thing a guy can pretty much count on, though--the number of tags allowed for Deer and Lope in this part of the state ain't going down!!
I'm actually hopin' I can take two bucks in Wyo--a Muley and a Whitey!
But I'm not thinkin' that's gonna be allowed. Darnit!!


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