NE CALI trail cam pics


Active Member
Just a few to enjoy..








Not too sure about that..seen him during the season and he was like that. Could of taggled with some equipment during velvet and broke then , who knows??
That's some mighty familiar country.
I'll be up there real soon to thin out those yotes.
The kid has been tunin them up pretty good around here lately.
Good pics!

Harry they are pretty thick right now but soon all the callers will be hittin the desert pretty heavy..get up here soon or youll have to compete with all the yahoos callin evrywhere lol
Joey im just up the road from ya lol.. Standish on some private ground. Have had 30 some does livin on the place all fall just waitin for the big boys to show up lovesick ha ha.
JR, Nice! I used to have a pretty good place to hunt doves right near Standish. Nice country!

Yeah, that's a nice 3X and that coyote goes to show that even with lots and lots of guys hunting them, they will survive.

Got to love farming. Those are some nice pictures. HH get those Coyotes.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Nice photos from one of my favorite places. When I saw the subject line, I feared it was going to be a picture of a wolf. Glad I was wrong.
Hey nuts i wouldnt do that too you guys if anything it would be one hell of a big coyote with a hole in him on the thread lol..And dont get your panties in a bunch if that response is wrong (bullshit endangered list and all ) just sayin. I just spent two weeks with by bros from wyoming in wyoming and the wolf issue is like talkin about the taliban.... God help us if the wolf makes it to Cali. You might as well kiss your points bank goodbye if that happens, all x zones deer and elk with lions and wolfs will be a distant memory sadly.. enough said...time to go sound like a rabbit and cull some deer eater's

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