ND sheep tag



Anyone know the guy who dropped 49K on the ND auction tag this past weekend? I have a one in 2000 chance at the draw tag and have my fingers crossed, a few more weeks to go! Should I hold my breath and put in for time off work now or just wait?
I met a guy this year who drew a ND tag in the early 90's on his first time applying. Somebody has to draw! Good luck to you.

The high bidder was bidding via phone. He/she was not actually in the room. The final bid was $49,500.

My understanding is that, by ND law, the name of the high bidder must be published at some point. So I'm sure we'll see it come out in a press release sooner or later. That law actually results in fewer bidders. There are a number of folks that would like to bid on it, but would require that they be anonymous.
Call me crazy, but I think I'll be waiting to see if I draw. I have two chances though - It would be almost as fun, or better if my wife drew and I got to help her try to get one. I have seen some nice sheep while working out in the Badlands, but I don't know if I'd pay almost 50G's to get one. I suppose it is probably the cheapest sheep auction tag around though.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-06 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]Friend of mine drew a ND tag in 05, he just got the ram back from the taxidermist "full mount" turned out really nice.

Looks nice, who did the mount? Was he hunting South or North of 94? Sure would be nice to luck out and draw that tag some day. I see that now ND is getting sheep transplanted from the breaks in MT. I am sure that after the G&F opens up the area where those sheep were released to hunting the auction tag price will skyrocket.
Checking the list of tag recipients, put out by the ND Game & Fish, it appears that the auction tag buyer was Greg Strait, of Greencastle, PA.

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